The term, short story essay, is a combination of the two genres, “short story” and “essay.” Short stories are meant to be an engaging experience for the audience. The author should tell a compelling narrative in order to captivate their audience. There are many different ways in which you can write this type of essay including: brainstorming ideas, researching your topic, outlining your plot points, making notes about important details that need to be included in your story, writing out dialogue between characters or describing scenes where major events occurred. This article will discuss how you can write a short story essay with examples from other students’ work.
How to write a short story essay
Writing a short story requires the writer to work with many aspects of fiction writing. A person must have imagination, creativity and discipline.
Short story essay vary in length such as:
- 3-5 paragraph short story essay
- 2 Page Short story essay (500-600 words)
- 3 page short story essay (750-900 Words
- 5 Page short story essay (1250-1500 Words)
To guide you in your efforts here are six (6) steps to follow when writing a short story essay:
- Start with an idea
Every good piece of writing starts with an idea, so start by considering what sort of idea you would like to write about. Try brainstorming some ideas that are personal or unique to you. Once you decide on your subject it is time to develop it into a full blown concept for your short story.
- Build the characters
Next consider who will be involved in your story and what roles they play in the narrative. The best stories are those which have strong, dynamic characters. Characters which the readers can relate to and empathise with. Think of your characters as people, real or imagined, who have a certain type of personality which affects how they behave in different situations. In this way you can inspire your readers to have a better understanding about themselves and their own personality traits.
- Incorporate descriptive details
The setting is an important element in any story so be sure that it is properly described. Do not just tell us that a character woke up early one morning but describe the feeling of waking up on a cold winter morning when the sun has not risen yet and everything is silent except for the birds chirping outside our window. All those senses are engaged by those few simple words “silent except for the birds chirping outside our window”.
- Keep a record of ideas and inspirations
A writer needs to be open to inspiration in order to create a good story. If you find an interesting object or spot, make sure that you take note of it because this could later provide you with motivation when writing your short story essay. For example, if while taking a walk in the park you see two people looking at each other from across a gap between the trees, these characters may serve as an inspiration for your short story.
- Create momentum
The best stories are action-packed so try and incorporate actions into your narrative. The best way to do this is by giving your protagonist(s) problems to solve or tasks to achieve, then making it increasingly difficult for them to do so. This will provoke conflict and tension which is what keeps your readers interested in the story.
- The conclusion
The conclusion of the short story must provide conclusions about your characters, their actions and conclusions about life in general. You can leave some thoughts with your readers by adding an element of mystery, something that makes them think back on the entire narrative. A “what if” statement can be useful here: “What if my grandmother had seen him across the park? Would she have run after him?” These are the kind of questions that arise in our minds when reading a good short story essay.
Comparison Essay on Two (2) Short Stories
Comparison essay is an essential part of academic writing. A fair amount of comparison essay is that it requires students to read two texts, identify similarities and differences between them, create a thesis statement on which are the main differences, back it up with evidence from both stories/texts/books etc., arrange all points in clear paragraphs, learn how to write a conclusion paragraph where you summarize all your ideas again so that the reader will have no difficulty understanding your point even after several days have passed since reading your text.
When teachers require students to write comparison essays on two short stories they give specific instructions on what topics to choose for discussion with their examples, but most often these examples are not enough for students who do not know what exactly should be discussed in their texts.
If you are writing a comparison essay on two short stories, there is no point of discussing different topics as it is not possible within such a paper. The same ideas should be written over and over again but from different perspectives. If you think “I don’t want to write the same thing again and again” you are wrong because that’s the only way to show how similar or different two texts are.
If your teacher wants you to compare/contrast two short stories, he/she expects you to follow certain rules. Here are a few steps you can follow to get better at writing short stories.
Steps to Follow when Writing a Comparison Essay:
- You need to start with a thesis statement which clearly shows what main elements of the texts are being compared and what the focus of your essay is going on about.
- The next paragraphs should be dedicated to comparison of point by point, so there should be several sentences devoted one by one to describe similarities and differences between stories under discussion; please make sure that these points or facts don’t seem too obvious for your reader as they already know them
- Make sure you use correct examples from both texts for comparison so that they are really alike in their right perspective
- Your paragraphs should be organized according to how important certain elements are. You can’t write all your ideas in one paragraph unless the point is very small and unimportant.
- Another tip on ordering of sentences in your essay: if two points are similar, they should be written in one sentence; if they differ, then you need to divide them into several sentences.
- There has to be a clear structure in every paper you write even if it’s just a comparison essay on two short stories! This means correct organization of thoughts with the help of topic sentences (which show what will be discussed next). Point of view should also be clear and easy to understand for the reader.
- Do not forget to write a conclusion paragraph where you summarize your main ideas again using different words, phrases or sentences than those that were used in your essay; this will emphasize their importance.
- You need to read your paper several times checking all kinds of errors (grammar/punctuation/spelling etc.) as even one mistake can ruin your final grade!
How do you Cite (address) a short story in an essay?
When citing or referencing a short story in an essay or other written work, you must include all relevant information about the author and title of the story as well as identifying any additional information specific to your usage. Whether you’re creating an MLA, APA, Chicago/abian or any other type of formatting style, it’s important that your short story citation matches the format and standards outlined in your assignment.
The Basics: Author and Title of Story
As with any work you’re citing, the title and author of the story must be included in your reference entry. The title should include all words from the original publication; for example, if there were quotation marks around the title when originally published, then they should remain on any references. Similarly, underline or italicize titles just as they appeared on a book or magazine cover or publication you found them in.
Cite a short story by its full name along with an abbreviation for state/city/publication information if included at all. If more than one author is listed, use the word “and” between their names as you would for any other citation. If a publication is included, include publisher name and year of publication in parentheses immediately following the title.
When you are finished, your entry should have the author’s last name followed by any relevant title information in italics before the full-stop. Following this should be the city, state abbreviation and publisher of where the short story was originally published. All publication information goes after a forward slash – reference books will often include page numbers for you to use as well.
For Example:
Chavez, Jennifer L., and Monica R. Hand. “The Baby Pharma Industry—Exploiting Expectant Mothers.” Mothering 43 (1999): 38+. ProQuest Central. Web. 15 July 2015 <Link>.
Crowley, Dennis J., et al. “Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm among Young Soldiers.” Military Medicine 158 (1983): 363-67. ProQuest Central. Web. 15 July 2015 <Link>.
These examples are both in MLA format; however, remember that you should never copy and paste your information directly from a document as it is very easy for another person to steal the information and pretend as though they were the original author. Instead, use these examples as a guide to create your own short story citation in whatever format you choose.
Additional Information: Paraphrase or Quote
If you’re directly quoting from a short story under fair-use policy (refer to your assignment on this) then be sure that first and foremost quote marks are properly placed around any text that was originally said by another individual.
Include parenthetical documentation after any quoted text specifying which page number the quotation can be found on if applicable; if not included, place quotations directly after the author’s name without parentheses. If paraphrased words or ideas from a short story are included in your work, simply include a reference entry at the end before works cited.
Short Story Essay Topics and Prompts
Writing a short story essay is a complex task. Readers’ thoughts and ideas are influenced by the words that writers use in their stories. This makes it difficult to write an original, unique opinion about a topic from which many people have written before.
However, there are still some topics that every good writer should consider when writing a literary analysis of a short story- no matter how boring or insignificant they may seem at first glance.
Most of shorty story writing prompts revolve around the following subjects:
- The Beginning of the Story
- The ending of the story
- Character Analysis
- Point Of View [POV]/ Tense
- Style/ Literary devices used
- Setting/ Theme/ Mood Themes within the Story / Writer’s Intentions Annotated Texts [using quotes from the story]
The Beginning of a Story
- One of the most important elements of a short story is its hook. “A good storyteller has to have something that will entice his audience from the very beginning.” [1] In other words, he must be able to capture and keep their attention, and make them want to read on and find out what happens next. Therefore, choosing an interesting topic to write about in regards to a story’s beginning can be quite difficult. Nevertheless, there are several topics that students should consider when writing their literary analysis essay:
- How did the protagonist get into his current situation? (ex: How did Emma ever end up with such awful parents?) Why does the protagonist feel like things need to change? (ex: Why does Emma feel like she can’t continue living with her awful parents?) What happens that makes the protagonist realize/realize that things need to change?
- What are some possible obstacles that must be faced before the protagonist reaches his goal? What other problems might he encounter along the way? How does the protagonist overcome these difficulties and solve his problem(s)?
- How does the first paragraph of a story set up its theme or mood? Does it give you any clues as to what might happen next? How does it prepare you for what is to come in this particular story?
- Are there any foreshadowing techniques used in the beginning of this story that make you think about how things will end or affect your interpretation of the story’s events?
The Ending of a Story
- In general, the ending of a short story is what gives meaning to everything that came before it. If the beginning hooked readers in, then the end must leave them satisfied and fulfilled. In addition to discussing how well or badly a story ends, students might consider writing about some of these possible topics:
- How does the ending reinforce what was already said/written about in this particular piece? What connections can you make between certain parts of this work and its conclusion? How do they fit together?
- What kind of final impression did this work leave on you- either positive or negative?
- Was the ending realistic? Why or why not?
- Was the ending “happy” or “sad”? What evidence does the writer give to support this claim?
- Do you agree with how things ended up, and would you have made a different choice if you had been in charge of writing the conclusion to this particular story?
- What types of events led up to the final moment of resolution/clarity within this piece? Does it make sense that these specific scenarios unfolded as they did, given what you know about each character’s personality and background from earlier parts of the text? In other words, were any coincidences too convenient for your liking, or do certain events seem far-fetched based on their context within story as a whole? How would you have ended this story if you were the writer?
- What impact does the ending have on your overall impressions of the work as a whole? What type of final impression did this story leave with you- positive or negative?
Character Analysis/Development
- What is the main differences between the two characters in the shorty story “A cup of tea”
- One common topic for short story essays is to consider how well or badly a character has been developed. Depending on what kind of feedback students are looking for, some quick questions they might ask themselves include:
- How important was it for this particular character to be convincing and realistic within this setting? Were they interesting enough to carry the story forward by themselves, even if the same events had played out altogether differently? How convincing were they in light of their own history (and everything that led up to the point in which the story took place)?
- Are any of these characters based on real people? If so, how does this influence your interpretation of the character’s actions and motivations throughout the story? For example, some critics have claimed that several aspects of “Catcher in the Rye” are autobiographical. In what ways is Holden similar to Salinger himself? In what ways do you think he differs from his creator?
- How did the author go about developing their backstory? How might this help us better understand why they behave as they do in certain situations within this particular short story or novel? Are there any details that didn’t seem important enough to include, but which could have helped us better understand the character as a whole?
- How does this person change or learn from the events that occur throughout the course of this narrative (if at all)? How would you describe their reactions to various circumstances- particularly those which might elicit surprise, anger, confusion, and/or fear within you as a reader? Is there anything about these changes in behavior that makes them believable and realistic to you?
- What types of details characterize this character’s actions and feelings throughout the work- either directly or indirectly? How well do these match up with your impressions of who they were “supposed” to be based on what was already revealed about them earlier on in the story? Does seeing this specific event change your views about how they might act in the future? Why or why not?
- How would you describe this character’s personality, based on what little we know about them in comparison to the other characters in this work? Are there any significantly different aspects of their backstory which make them stand out compared to others within the same setting (in terms of physical description, socioeconomic status, age-related issues, etc.)? How do these differences influence your interpretation of their behavior throughout the course of this short story or novel?
- What types of evidence does the writer use to develop this person beyond stereotypes and assumptions that might be obvious at first glance? For example, if one reads “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien, much can already be inferred about each character based on their age and physical appearance alone. That said, how well do we get to know the characters as a whole? And in what ways might this understanding of them change depending on whether you read the short story or novel version (or both)?
- How effectively does the setting contribute to your interpretation of this character’s actions and motivations? Do they seem out-of-place within their own world, or is every detail just right given their role in this narrative? Does knowing more about their backstory influence your overall reading experience, positively or negatively?
Another common topic for short stories relates to a writer’s point of view about certain issues. For example:
- Do you agree with the author’s opinions on the following subjects? Why or why not?
- How did you identify with this character’s attitudes and opinions throughout the narrative, if at all? Were there certain situations in which their views seemed to change for better or worse? If so, what were some of the factors that influenced these changes within them (i.e., other characters, settings, etc.)?
- Did anything about this person’s behavior irritate you throughout the course of the short story or novel (for example: self-righteousness)? At times, do you think they might have been right when others around them disagreed with them on specific points? Or was it more likely that others held a stronger grasp on reality than they did? What type of information is revealed within the plot to convince you that this character was right in what they said/did, if at all?
- What kinds of details support their points-of-view throughout the course of this narrative? Are there any decisions or actions which seemed out-of-character based on your understanding of their personality and personal history? How do these incongruences make you feel about them as a whole (positively or negatively)?
- How much did their views tend to change throughout the work, especially when it came to issues that were particularly relevant for them personally? For example, take a look at “Miss Brill” by Katherine Mansfield. In the beginning, Miss Brill is seen engaging in her usual pastime while eventually coming to realize how little she appears to have in common with the people surrounding her. But do their opinions really matter when it comes to how she perceives herself? How would you describe this character’s personality, based on what little we know about them in comparison to the other characters in this work? Are there any significantly different aspects of their backstory which make them stand out compared to others within the same setting (in terms of physical description, socioeconomic status, age-related issues, etc.)? How do these differences influence your interpretation of their behavior throughout the course of this short story or novel?
- What types of evidence does the writer use to develop this person beyond stereotypes and assumptions that might be obvious at first glance? For example, if one reads “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien, much can already be inferred about each character based on their age and physical appearance alone. That said, how well do we get to know the characters as a whole? And in what ways might this understanding of them change depending on whether you read the short story or novel version (or both)?
- Can they be seen as a universal archetype for people living within a specific era, place, or situation? What kinds of details support this interpretation throughout the course of the narrative? Do any events stand out as being particularly significant within this setting, even if they only lasted briefly? How does this information change your view of them as a human being compared to those around them who are influenced by similar factors but end up reacting in different ways?
- Which characters do you see as having the most in common with this person, and might there be any significant moral implications for these similarities? Do you feel that their opinions are justified on issues where people of their age, gender, social standing, etc., might not have had equal rights or access to certain types of information? How would their lives have been different if they’d taken a more proactive approach to topics concerning politics, race relations by other groups, etc.?
- What is your opinion about the treatment of women within the setting(s) explored throughout this piece? Is there anything which author seems particularly critical about how women are expected to behave or interact with others who present themselves as being progressive on certain issues (i.e. feminism or gender equality)? Is this treatment applied to all women, regardless of their background in comparison to the majority of people within this specific time period?
- How much can you understand about them based on either your personal experiences with these topics or what you’ve learned about people who shared similar views during historical or current events? Do any characters stand out as being significantly more open-minded when it comes to certain issues which are often seen as controversial even today (i.e. LGBT rights, premarital sex, etc.)? How would they have responded if they were exposed to someone who held beliefs that were at odds with their own values and sense of self-identity?
- What major decisions did they make throughout their life that made an impact on other people, or even this person themselves? What kind of changes can be traced back to these events and what evidence is there that they would not have occurred if it hadn’t been for the influence of the protagonist(s)? How does this information supplement your understanding of their personality and general character arc? What do you think might’ve happened if they’d made a different choice at any point in time (even one which seems like an insignificant detail when read from a modern perspective)?
- Does their personal philosophy differ significantly from those around them based on the context provided by the narrative? Is there anything about this character’s way of thinking which stands out as being particularly unusual within such a setting, even if only lasts briefly (such as during a specific scene or chapter)? What can be inferred about this person’s personal values, even if they only make a brief appearance in the story? Are they significantly different from those around them, and if so is that difference justified by events within the story?
- In what ways does the style of narration change throughout the course of this piece? In what ways might it have influenced how you perceive certain details as being more relevant than others, especially when compared to other genres or works of fiction which rely on a similar technique to tell their stories? How significant do you consider each character’s perspectives to be within this narrative and why were certain events described from a particular viewpoint instead of generalizing it based on who was taking part in these scenes?
- What types of emotions does this work evoke in the reader and why do you think they were emphasized so strongly? Do these techniques contribute to how we perceive each character’s internal thought process throughout their interactions with others, or how we understand their position within the group as a whole? How might different choices have been made if you assume that other types of emotional reactions were minimized or excluded entirely?
- Many people would consider this book to be one of the most significant pieces of literature ever published, for both its historical value and what it helped to inspire during periods such as the Harlem Renaissance. However, not everyone will agree about whether it should be categorized as fine art because of its purposeful ambiguity concerning certain details (such as which characters are meant to represent real-life historical figures and whether or not they were actually based on specific individuals). How might the overall tone of the story change if you assume that all of its characters, events, etc. are meant to be understood as being factual? Would it still have made just as much of an impact if it’d been written in a more straightforward manner instead of using symbols and techniques which don’t need to be deciphered in order for the narrative to be coherent?
- What kinds of conclusions can you make about this collection once you’ve reached the end? Have any major revelations been presented within its pages which will have a significant impact on how you interpret each individual piece afterwards? Were these details revealed gradually throughout the work instead of being clustered at the conclusion where they could provide a better sense of closure?
- Why is it significant that the author chose to include such a wide range of topics within this anthology, and how does each contribute to the story as a whole? Do certain emotions or themes become more strongly emphasized depending on which specific piece you’re reading and why do you think these elements remain consistent with earlier selections in terms of tone and style? How would your response to each individual story differ if they were written by multiple authors instead of just one person (and if so, how might this affect your overall appreciation for both the texts and narrative progression)?
- In what ways is this text intended to be interpreted from an allegorical perspective? What types of events are meant to symbolize other conflicts taking place at the same time, and are their meanings meant to be understood in literal terms or within the broader context of the story as a whole? How might this information change your perception of various characters’ roles within each scene, especially if you assume that they are meant to represent something else entirely outside of what’s explicitly stated?
- What elements about this piece make it effective at portraying its theme in particular ways? Are there any sequences which could have been used more effectively to demonstrate these ideas instead of just hinting them without enough elaboration? Could specific techniques have been employed in order to avoid making certain moments feel either too forced or underwhelming compared to other parts which successfully convey similar themes?
Style/ Literary Devices Used:
- How does the author’s style contribute to the story’s overall tone and atmosphere? Is this choice of writing consistent throughout or does it change at any point, and if so, does this have a significant impact on how you perceive each character’s personality? Do you notice any elements which could be considered postmodern in nature (such as nonlinear plot structure and self-reflexivity)? What types of messages do these convey about the work itself and what might they imply about its focus when compared with similar texts? Are there certain techniques used multiple times throughout which help strengthen this connection between events we’ve seen before and things yet to come?
- Does the text include any specific commentary on human nature, especially when contrasting different characters’ actions against one another? Are there certain moments when the environment or backstory are more significant than which of the people inhabiting it, and if so, what kinds of emotional responses can you expect to experience while reading these scenes? Is the narrative ever intended to be confusing in any way (in terms of its structure or by presenting symbolism within otherwise normal circumstances)?
- How would this short story’s tone change if you assumed that all of its characters are meant to be understood as being factual? Would it still have made just as much of an impact if it’d been written in a more straightforward manner instead of using symbols and techniques which don’t need to be deciphered in order for the narrative to be coherent?
- What kinds of conclusions can you make about this collection of stories as a whole? Is there any specific common element between each piece (in terms of genre, time period, setting, etc.)? How would they vary if they had been written by someone who isn’t the same person who created this compilation and how might it change your overall appreciation for both the text and its author?
- Why is this anthology classified as science fiction in particular and what needs to be included in order for an individual story to fit within that category? Are there elements about it which could put off some readers from making certain connections or having certain reactions when reading it? What makes this selection different compared to similar texts with extremely similar content (such as “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury) and why didn’t you find those as appealing?
- How do the changes in tone and atmosphere presented within the stories affect your overall impression of each one? For instance, if a darker piece were to follow a more whimsical story about an otherwise innocent protagonist, would this have a negative impact on your interpretation of how the characters within that first work had been portrayed by the author? What about vice versa – would lighter stories be more enjoyable if they came after something which had been intended for mature audiences only due to its dark nature and violence toward its characters?
- What makes these particular pieces especially effective at portraying their themes without feeling excessively preachy or forced down your throat from beginning to end? How do the different emotions evoked by each entry help create a balance between enjoyment and genuine appreciation for the text itself? Does this collection ever take on any unexpected levels of depth or does it present everything in-between its covers clearly and concisely, while still making you think about them for hours after finishing each one?
- Did the stories presented within “The Illustrated Man” have a noticeable impact on other works released near the same time period (such as The Twilight Zone television episode “The Long Morrow”) or can you identify elements which were likely to have been directly influence by Bradbury’s work instead (such as Superman)? Do any aspects of this anthology help to date it compared with similar books from around that era and would it be more or less enjoyable depending on your familiarity with 20th Century culture?
- Are there specific characters who are common to more than one story in the anthology? What are the circumstances surrounding their first appearance and what makes them stand out among Bradbury’s other characters which weren’t featured as frequently throughout this book? Is there any difference between how these central individuals appear within each separate narrative or do they seem like copies of each other without any significant differences, no matter where you encounter them?
- How would your perspective on “The Illustrated Man” change if it was labeled as horror instead of science fiction? Would that have an impact on its appeal or general tone depending on who you are or how familiar you are with either genre? What about its overall structure – is it ever meant to be read linearly from beginning through end, or should people skip around whenever they feel like doing so?
- What makes the writing style in particular stand out compared to other entries you’ve read throughout your life? Does it ever seem too wordy or overly complicated even when the subject matter is complex to begin with? Do any elements of Bradbury’s prose help you become more invested in what he has presented as a result and do any changes present between each piece come across as improvements instead of hindrances?
- Do any aspects of this book still surprise you after having read it multiple times already, whether due to its length or content itself? Is there anything which was likely going through your head while reading certain parts which you never expected to find at all beforehand – including things related directly the plot and characters themselves as well as small details which you wouldn’t normally think to be included for certain reasons?
- If the stories within “The Illustrated Man” were to be adapted into a movie, would they fit in with modern tastes and expectations or would it feel like something from the past which belonged at its time of creation? Is there anything about this book which could easily be updated with special effects such as space travel and other such technologies, while leaving everything else exactly the same no matter how many decades pass by during your lifetime?
- Would any of the stories be more effective if they were read out loud instead of silently flipping between pages throughout an average-sized book? Do you think Bradbury ever intended for anything written here to be presented outside of its original medium to begin with, by either recording each story in an audio format or branching the film rights out into separate spin-offs?
Setting/ Theme/ Mood within the Story / Writer’s Intentions
- What are some of the different elements that have been included in order to create a specific tone/ mood throughout this piece? Which of these are most significant and why? How do all of these contribute toward establishing an overall theme for the entire text as well as its individual components?
- Why are all of these characters behaving differently than usual, or why are they engaging with one another in ways which seemed unlikely during the first few chapters? Are there any clues (either subtle or obvious) which can be used to accurately infer what happened or why it has led to their current situation?
- What are the main differences between how each character sees themselves, and how do other people in their life see them instead? How might their perception of reality change over time if they’re able to be more objective about these observations?
- Given the setting of the story, have any assumptions you’d previously made about certain characters been proven wrong by this point in the narrative? Why does the author choose to include so many different perspectives when telling this particular story, and is there any reason behind presenting multiple perspectives that don’t necessarily agree with one another whenever possible ?
- Is this piece written from anyone’s perspective but that of an outsider? Is there any specific reason why the author would choose to follow a more detached approach to their storytelling, or does this fact help establish an overall theme of alienation that remains consistent throughout the entire text?
- What are some of the various points of view which have been included in this story, and how do their individual viewpoints differ from one another? Does anyone receive special treatment within its pages, or is everyone represented as being flawed at best/ reprehensible at worst ?
- How does conflict affect the progression of events during each scene? Can you identify certain moments where it might have been able to be diffused before longtime rivalries become irreconcilable grievances, or are these violent exchanges apparently inevitable despite certain characters’ efforts toward reconciliation?
- How do the actions of one character affect another’s choices within this piece, and vice versa? What is the overall significance of their relationship with one another, and does it remain consistent during each scene or evolve into something different over time?
- Why does the author choose to include certain dialogue exchanges (and more importantly, details regarding how these individuals behave in private)? What are some of the various aspects which make up a person’s personality, and why would an author attempt to capture these idiosyncrasies on paper?
- To what extent is the setting an integral part of this story; why does the author choose to set it at this specific place/ time instead of another location/ era? Does it help establish an overall theme of nostalgia, regret, or instead a false sense of security?
- How does the setting help enhance the events and moods which take place during this piece (in other words, can you identify certain environmental factors which make it easier for these individuals to become more accepting of one another after an extended amount of time)? Are any of these moments seemingly insignificant; perhaps explained away as part of everyday life- such as enjoying a cup of coffee on the front porch- why might they be included in spite of seeming like ordinary activities?
- How do all of these texts seem to relate with one another? Why is there so much emphasis placed upon family ties and their role within society as a whole during each work? What larger message might the author be trying to convey by incorporating these similarities into each story?
- Which aspect of family has been most emphasized within this text (is it biological relationships, or is it the connection between friends?)? What does this particular theme indicate about how people are supposed to relate with one another throughout their lives, and why would an author choose to give so much prominence to any specific element within their work of fiction ?
- If you were able to narrate this piece (either in its entirety or only certain scenes), what would you want your audience to know/ understand better after reading your account of events? How do you think they’ll be affected by everything that takes place within each scene, and how has their understanding changed as a result of reading about these characters’ experiences?
- How has your overall appreciation for this story changed as a result of completing the various questions found above? Do you have anything else to add regarding its significance, or do you believe it is self-explanatory without any additional commentary?
Short Story Essay Examples
- Short story essay on childhood memories
Sample Short Story Essay On Childhood Memories
- Short story essay about friendship
Sample Short Story Essay About Friendship (pdf)
- Short story essay about accident
Sample Short Story Essay About An Accident (pdf)
- Sample comparison essay on two short stories
Sample comparison essay on two short stories
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