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How to write a good Conclusion Paragraph for An Essay

How to write a good Conclusion Paragraph for An Essay

Writing a conclusion paragraph for an essay is one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated aspects of writing. In this blog post we will cover how to write a good conclusion paragraph for an essay, as well as some tips to keep in mind when doing so. We will also highlight some common mistakes that students make while concluding their essays.

What is a conclusion Paragraph

A conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph of your essay. It should wrap up what you have said and restate any main points. If you use a thesis statement, it might be helpful to also summarize that information in this paragraph as well. This way, you can give readers a quick reminder of what they just read before moving on to other topics or directions. It is often where you will want to leave your audience with a sense of what they have learned from reading your essay.

A good conclusion paragraph is essential to any essay. It provides a sense of closure and allows the reader to feel satisfied about your argument. A well-written conclusion paragraph leaves the reader with an impression that you have made your point and backed it up throughout the paper, but doesn’t provide too much detail on how you did so. In general, there are three components found in most conclusions: restatement of thesis statement, summary of evidence used to support thesis statement, and a call for action (i.e., “what should we do now?”).

In order for your conclusion to be effective, think about how it relates back to the topic sentence of your intro paragraph and the argumentative thesis statement in your introduction. Make sure that everything ties together nicely so readers are left with an organized idea of what has been discussed throughout the entire paper while also feeling like they’ve had their own individual thoughts and opinions validated by reading something new from the essay or research paper.

In order to write a good conclusion paragraph for your essay, it is important to make sure that you have answered all of the questions that are raised throughout the paper. This ensures that your reader can understand how you came up with your answer and why you believe in what you say. Furthermore, it is imperative to summarize concisely what was said in this last part of the paper so readers know exactly where they stand before making an educated decision on whether or not they agree with your position.

Steps for writing a good Conclusion Paragraph

  1. A good conclusion paragraph should have a concluding sentence, which is usually three or four sentences long that sums up the points you make in your paper.
  2. Your last sentence of this paragraph can recap any important information from earlier on in the essay.
  3. To add to this, it’s also good practice to end with some more kind words about your audience–as they were patient enough to read through your entire document!
  4. Always thank them for their time and tell them how much you appreciate it.
  5. If applicable, mention what takeaway message you want readers to take away from reading your essay as well. This will help summarize everything while reminding readers what was most important.

Don’t forget these final touches when writing your conclusion paragraph.

How to start a conclusion paragraph

Some people start their conclusion paragraphs with a general statement (e.g., ‘I’ve talked enough’), but these are less effective than those that summarize specific themes from earlier parts of the paper. This point will usually focus on one of the most important points you have discussed in your paper.

Conclusion Paragraph Structure and Outline

The conclusion paragraph should be no more than 2-3 sentences long and should never summarize everything again (that’s what we did in our introduction). Instead, use your concluding paragraph as a final opportunity to offer some concluding thoughts or reflections on how the topic relates to broader social issues or personal experiences.

It should provide closure to the reader, summarize your main points, and give a final opinion on what you have written.

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Don’t use clichés. Write a Conclusion Paragraph that is your own!
  • Try to avoid making broad statements like “in conclusion, life sucks and then you die.”
  • Make sure the sentences in the paragraph flow into one another smoothly without any awkward transitions or unexplained words.
  • Avoid including too many sentences about future plans/thoughts/goals

Conclusion Paragraph Examples

Sample 1

Ultimately, this essay was about how we can change the world by changing what it means to be human. I hope you found my arguments convincing and that they at least made you think a little bit differently. And if not, then hopefully some of them still resonated with your own experiences in life. But most importantly, I hope these words will inspire people to take up their own causes and actively do good for those around us!”

Sample 2

In short, if there’s anything we can take from this essay as readers it would be that while our lives may not always have meaning on their own yet they do become meaningful when we choose to share them with people who matter most to us. We need each other for love and support, and so much more than what meets the eye at first glance…so go out and find them!


If you’re feeling lost about where to start when writing this final paragraph for your essay assignment, we can help. You don’t have to worry about having no ideas because we offer professional custom essays from writers who specialize in academic writing topics like yours. Our team will work closely with you every step of the way so that together, we create a stellar essay or research paper from scratch to end that will impress your instructor.

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