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Week 4 | Information Systems homework help

Topic:  Explain the data interchange standards required to enable the flow of the information.

As part of the Stage 2 assignment, you will identify Data Interchange Standards the Midtown Family Clinic EHR system will use to exchange information with external organizations.  For this discussion, we will explore several different Data Interchange Standards, or “Interoperability Standards” as the ONC defines them.  First to understand the top challenges in sharing data, read

http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/fact-sheets/2016/11/electronic-health-records-patient-matching-and-data-standardization-remain-top-challenges  This article highlights the need for data standardization.  Next, you will become familiar with the Interoperability Standards Advisory published and maintained by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)  https://www.healthit.gov/isa/ The purpose of the Advisory, as stated on the website is shown below.

The Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA) is meant to serve at least the following purposes:

  1. To provide the industry with a single, public list of the standards and implementation specifications that can best be used to address specific clinical health information interoperability needs. Currently, the ISA is focused on interoperability for sharing information between entities and not on intra-organizational uses.  
  2. To reflect the results of ongoing dialogue, debate, and consensus among industry stakeholders when more than one standard or implementation specification could be used to address a specific interoperability need, discussion will take place through the ISA public comments process. The web-version of the ISA will improve upon existing processes, making comments more transparent, and allowing for threaded discussions to promote further dialogue.
  3. To document known limitations, preconditions, and dependencies as well as provide suggestions for security best practices in the form of security patterns for referenced standards and implementation specifications when they are used to address a specific clinical health IT interoperability need.”

GROUP 4:  From the many different standards listed in the Advisory, choose one that has not yet been posted and:

  1. Put the Title of the standard in the Subject line for your posting.
  2. Conduct some additional research and explain:
    1. What the standard is
    2. What the standard is used for
    3. Why it is important

GROUPS 1, 2 and 3:  For at least two postings,

  1. Conduct your own research on the standard
  2. Critically evaluate and respond to the explanation provided for:
    1. What the standard is
    2. What the standard is used for
    3. Why it is important
  3. Provide at least one additional comment on one of the aspects above (what the standard is, what it is used for, or why it is important)

Your responses should be complete and thorough, and not simply “I agree.”

Only responses 

Case Study Stage 2 Assignment  please see attachments 

HRMN 367

Must post first.

Activity #1

In your own words, explain the relationship between either:

a) leadership and culture

b) performance and culture

Please respond to at least two colleagues. 

Activity #2

Based on the reading of organizational life stages, what life stage do you consider your organization to be in? How does the life stage impact the culture of the organization?

No need to respond to colleagues. 

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

not because I got lazy!  Just because the lectures are from an older course with a different schedule of events!



Do you have an example of an organization that you have seen (or researched) having gone the organizational life cycle?

Any of you who have been in the south and seen old brick warehouses painted with faded out “Uneeda Biscuit” signs have seen an example!

What are some examples of “cultural preferences of leaders?”

(ref: week 4 commentary)

How have you seen attitudes towards time differ among cultures (either organizational or societal)

(ref: Week 4 Commentary)

“senior-level management can assert assumptions or perspectives in two ways: “

What factors within organizations will determine how successful senior-managers are in their assertions of assumptions?

Life-cycle stage

Business Environment



Management Style

Nature of Organization

Prophetvisionary, one product, debtpassionate faith in productget organization started!single leader, many ideas, not listen well, not like detailsno organization!Barbarianideas to actions; broaden customer basesuccess lies in faith in Prophetget product to markethigh control and direct action; no delegationsimple, few if any systemsBuilder and Explorersnow showing a profitfocus on efficiency; expand market and productscreate means to production of product; conquer marketfocus on detail; few focus on long-term plans; based on interpersonal relationshipsorganization is growing rapidlySynergist (note 1)(see list after this table)Administratormastered market, much profitfocus on efficiency and qualitymaximize efficiency and full use of profitnot effective dealing with people; decisions based on facts and studiesvery efficient and smooth; additional staff functions addedBureaucratnow diversified; generate profit; slow growth; cost cuttingprofessional managementefficiency; less focus on customers and more on profitimpersonal; like reportsoverly organizedAristocratdeclining; loss of creativity and investmentcynicalprevent further erosionaloofexcessive layers of management; is an informal, underground organization

Which of the management styles would you like to work for (why?)

Does that style preference match your own style?

Which style have you experienced the most?

what were your most important take-aways from this week’s reading/discussions?

Globe Paper 


Write a paper that compares and contrasts the cultures from the table in Part 1. Use three additional sources (not including the GLOBE resources) to support your analysis of the two cultures. This paper should be a maximum of three pages in length.

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