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Ways technology is changing healthcare | Nursing homework help


For this Discussion, you will explore the impact of digital technology on nursing practice. Consider the influence these technologies may have on nursing practice, and what skills you might need to hone in on in order to address these needs.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


Required Readings

· Sipes, C. (2020). Project management for the advanced practice nurse (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing.

o Chapter 4, “Planning: Project Management—Phase 2” (pp. 75–120)

· American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informaticsLinks to an external site.: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.).

o “Evolution of Nursing Informatics Competencies” (pp. 37–41)

o “The Future of Nursing Informatics” (pp. 52–62)

o “Standard 3: Outcomes Identification” (p. 71)

o “Standard 4: Planning” (p. 72)

· American Hospital Association. (n.d.).Innovative models of care delivery: Addressing transitions across the care continuumLinks to an external site.

· Guest in VSee. (2020). 7 ways technology is transforming the nursing fieldLinks to an external site.. VSee.com. https://vsee.com/blog/technology-transforming-nursing-field

· The Medical Futurist. (2020). 10 ways technology is changing healthcareLinks to an external site.. https://medicalfuturist.com/ten-ways-technology-changing-healthcare/

· Zipfel, N., van der Nat, P. B., Rensing, B. J. W. M., Daeter, E. J., Westert, G. P., & Groenewoud, A. S. (2019). The implementation of change model adds value to value-based healthcare: A qualitative studyLinks to an external site.. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 643. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/waldenu.edu?url=https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4498-y

Required Media

· Schade, M. (2016, January 11). How to do a GAP AnalysisLinks to an external site.. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xXReyiFtBY

· Project Manager. (2014, June 2). What is a work breakdown structureLinks to an external site.? [Video]. YouTube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEWhnodF6ig

· Project Manager. (2016, March 11). Gantt Charts, Simplified – The Project Management TrainingLinks to an external site.. [Video]. YouTube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGkHjby1xKM


· Consider your nursing background and professional interests as you view the video.

· What potential skills, knowledge, or competencies to ensure quality of care and safety improvements, might you need to develop for your healthcare organization or nursing practice to ensure continued quality care and safet

Post a response to your blog describing your own experiences with digital changes has affected your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Address the following:

· Explain how established informatics competencies may influence quality of care, safety improvements, for excellence in nursing practice. Be specific. What would you need to do to develop skills, knowledge, and competencies in order to apply the technology?

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