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WAN architecture | Networking homework help

  1. Cookies Are Us runs a series of 100 cookie stores across the Midwestern United States and central Canada. At the end of each day, the store sends sales and inventory data to headquarters, which uses the data to headquarters and uses the data to ship new inventory and plan a marketing campaign. The company has decided to move to a new WAN.

As a consultant, what kind of WAN architecture would you recommend, and why would you recommend it?

What kind of WAN services would you recommend?

Would you consider scalability and availability of the network services as the most important priority for this company?

  1. Are you on Facebook? Why or why not? If you are on Facebook, how much time do you spend online at Facebook? Do you use Twitter? Why or why not?

Based on your experience with Facebook and Twitter, how can companies use them to reach you?

Are you a fan of any company on Facebook? If so, why did you become a fan? If not, why did you choose not become a fan?

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