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Directions: Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words. Please keep both separate, address each question and add the references at the bottom of each discussion. Please make sure you check grammar and punctuation errors, as well as quoting and using in text citations. PLEASE make sure you cite the information, do NOT plagiarize and ADD all references. No Cover Page Needed PLEASE INBOX ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTION or need reading material on the assignment! DUE Thursday, 9/15 by 4PM CST

Required Text

Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common sense talent management: Using strategic human resources to improve company performance (Links to an external site.).  Retrieved from Ebook Central.

Part 1 Aligning Performance Management with Strategy

Imagine a performance evaluation system that promotes roles, behaviors, and work outcomes appropriate to achieve organizational strategic objectives throughout the firm. Take into consideration the Two Sides of Performance Management as illustrated in your textbook on page 164, Figure 6.1. What would such a system look like? Would it be similar to the one used in your organization? How would individual and/or team performance assessment be conducted? What tools would you recommend? Would you use MBO, 360 Degrees or another system?  Why? Use at least two scholarly sources to support your ideas.

Part 2 HRM Adds Value to the Firm 

Consider the proposition that HRM adds value to the firm. Also, examine the topic of “Marginal Utility Analysis” and how it is used to make a case about the value of HRM. How do HRM practices and systems add value to a firm? What is the basis for an argument for or against this proposition? Use at least one scholarly source in your response to support your ideas

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