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Using microsoft sql server management studio 2012


PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’
PRINT ‘Read the questions below and insert your queries where prompted.  When  you are finished,
you should be able to run the file as a script to execute all answers sequentially (without errors!)’ + CHAR(10)
PRINT ‘This week, there are 8 questions worth 30 points total. The point totals for each question depend on
the difficulty of the question. Please be sure to answer each part of each question for full credit.

All SQL should be properly formatted.’;
PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’ + CHAR(10) + CHAR(10)

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 1  [2pts possible]:
First, do Question 2. Then, come back and complete this part.

Write SQL statements that drop the tables you created in Question 2 if they already exist. This will
prepare the database for the CREATE TABLE commands in Question 2, so that the script will execute
without errors.

You have the permissions required to create tables in the CIS275Sandboxx database.

Hint: The syntax for dropping a table if it exists in SQL looks like this:

IF OBJECT_ID(‘ABC_RecipeIngredient’, ‘U’) IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE ABC_RecipeIngredient;
+ ‘
You will also need to drop the view you create for Question 5. The SQL for that looks like:

DROP VIEW ABC_all_data;
+ ‘
Hint 2: Foreign key constraints will cause errors unless you drop the tables in the right order.
Drop the tables with foreign keys before you drop the tables with the primary keys those tables
depend on.
‘ + CHAR(10)


USE CIS275Sandboxx

— [Insert your code here]

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 2  [8pts possible]:
Create Tables
Using the ERD from the Lab 8 assignment document (see course shell), create the tables represented
in the ERD. For full credit, please pay attention to the following:

   0. Examine the sample data in Question 3 first. You”ll want to make sure the data types you
      pick for each column are compatible with the data we”re storing in the tables.
   1. Prefix the table names with your initials (for example, name your table ABC_RecipeIngredient
      ABC_RecipeIngredient instead of RecipeIngredient.
   2. All primary key fields should be declared with PRIMARY KEY constraints.
   3. Declare all non-composite primary keys using IDENTITY(1, 1).
   4. Create the correct FOREIGN KEY constraints for all foreign keys.
   5. The following values are all optional:
       a. Preparation in Ingredient
       b. Organization in Chef
       c. FK_ChefID in Recipe
      All other values are mandatory. Add the correct data integrity constraints for this.
   6. Name in Recipe should be distinct. Add the correct data integrity constraint for this.
   7. FK_IngredientID and FK_RecipeID form a composite primary key for the RecipeIngredient table
      (as well as being foreign keys on their own).
   8. If you have two tables with a primary key/foreign key relationship, you”ll need to create
      the table with the primary key BEFORE you create the table with the foreign key constraint.
‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 3  [1pt possible]:
Adding Data
Change the INSERT INTO statements below to reference the tables you created in Question 2.
You should only need to change ABC_ to match your initials. Be sure to change all four statements.
Then, uncomment the lines. (remove the /* at the top and the */ at the bottom).
‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]

(‘chunky peanut butter’, NULL), — 1
(‘sesame seeds’, ‘toasted’), — 2
(‘ginger’, ‘minced’), — 3
(‘garlic’, ‘minced’), — 4
(‘green onion’, ‘thinly sliced’), — 5
(‘soy sauce’, NULL), — 6
(‘red wine vinegar’, NULL), — 7
(‘sriracha sauce’, NULL), — 8
(‘brown sugar’, NULL), — 9
(‘sesame oil’, NULL), — 10
(‘cilantro’, ‘chopped’), — 11
(‘thin spaghetti’, NULL), — 12
(‘egg noodles, 1/8″ thick’, NULL), — 13
(‘rice vinegar’, NULL), — 14
(‘sesame paste’, NULL), — 15
(‘smooth peanut butter’, NULL), — 16
(‘sugar’, NULL), — 17
(‘ginger’, ‘finely grated’), — 18
(‘chili garlic paste’, NULL), — 19
(‘cucumber’, ‘peeled, seeded, cut into 1/8″ by 1/8″ by 2″ sticks’), — 20
(‘roasted peanuts’, ‘chopped’); — 21

(‘Aarti Sequeria’, ‘Food Network’),
(‘Eddie Schoenfeld’, ‘Red Farm’);

(1, ‘Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy!’, ‘Drop spaghetti into boiling water, and cook until al dente, according to package instructions.
Meanwhile, throw peanut butter, sesame seeds (reserve 1 tbsp for garnish), ginger, garlic, soy
sauce, red wine vinegar, sriracha, brown sugar/honey, sesame oil, and cilantro into a big food
processor. Whiz ”em up until the sauce is smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings.

Toss veggies with a little sauce in a separate bowl. Drain cooked pasta, and then drizzle with
a little sesame oil. Toss with a pair of tongs. This will help keep the pasta from sticking.
In a big bowl, toss pasta, veggies, reserved sesame seeds, and sauce together.’),

(2, ‘Takeout-Style Sesame Noodles’, ‘Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add noodles and cook until barely tender, about 5 minutes;
they should retain a hint of chewiness. Drain, rinse with cold water, drain again and toss with
a splash of sesame oil.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the remaining 2 tablespoons sesame oil, the soy sauce, rice vinegar,
sesame paste, peanut butter, sugar, ginger, garlic and chili-garlic paste.

Pour the sauce over the noodles and toss. Transfer to a serving bowl, and garnish with cucumber
and peanuts.’);

INSERT INTO ABC_RecipeIngredient
(1, 1, ‘1’, ‘cup’),
(2, 1, ‘1/4’, ‘cup’),
(3, 1, ‘6’, ‘tbsp’),
(4, 1, ‘4’, ‘cloves’),
(5, 1, ‘1’, ‘bunch’),
(6, 1, ‘1/2’, ‘cup’),
(7, 1, ‘4’, ‘tsp’),
(8, 1, ‘1’, ‘tsp’),
(9, 1, ‘1’, ‘tbsp’),
(10, 1, ‘1’, ‘tsp’),
(11, 1, ‘1’, ‘handful’),
(12, 1, ‘1’, ‘lb’),
(20, 1, ‘1’, ‘whole’),
(13, 2, ‘1’, ‘lb’),
(10, 2, ‘2’, ‘tbsp’),
(6, 2, ‘3 1/2’, ‘tbsp’),
(14, 2, ‘2’, ‘tbsp’),
(15, 2, ‘2’, ‘tbsp’),
(16, 2, ‘1’, ‘tbsp’),
(17, 2, ‘1’, ‘tbsp’),
(18, 2, ‘1’, ‘tbsp’),
(4, 2, ‘2’, ‘tsp’),
(19, 2, ‘2’, ‘tsp’),
(20, 2, ‘1/2’, ‘whole’),
(21, 2, ‘1/4’, ‘cup’);

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 4  [4pts possible]:
Adding another Recipe
Write additional INSERT INTO statements to add the following recipe to the database:

Ree”s Simple Sesame Noodles
By Ree Drummond, Food Network

Quantity Units      Ingredient           Preparation
——– ———- ——————– ——————–
4        cloves     garlic               minced              
4        whole      green onion          thinly sliced       
1/4      cup        soy sauce            NULL
3        tbsp       sesame oil           NULL
2        tbsp       rice vinegar         NULL
2        tbsp       sugar                NULL
12       oz         thin noodles         NULL
1/4      cup        canola oil           NULL
1/2      tsp        hot chili oil        NULL

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook the noodles according to the package instructions.

Meanwhile, whisk together the soy sauce, canola oil, sesame oil, sugar, vinegar, chili oil and
garlic in a bowl. Taste and adjust the ingredients as needed.

Drain the noodles. Pour the sauce over the warm noodles and toss to coat. Sprinkle with the
green onions and toss. Serve in a bowl with chopsticks. Yummy!

Note: Reuse existing ingredients instead of creating duplicates. E.g., minced garlic is already
in the database as IngredientID 4, so you don”t need to create a new row for that ingredient in
the Ingredient table.

Hint: Look at how the recipe data is structured in Question 3 and in the ERD.
‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 5  [3pts possible]:
Create a view
Create a view named all_data (prefixed with your initials). After you”ve added the statement to
create the view, go back to Question 1 and add a SQL command to drop the view if it exists. Then,
add a statement that SELECTs * from your view (you will need to add a GO before the SELECT statement).

Your view should include the following columns:

RecipeID, ChefID, IngredientID, RecipeName, ChefName, ChefOrg, Instructions, IngredientName,
Quantity, Units, Preparation

Do not do any type conversion in your view, just return the raw data in the underlying tables.

Your data should look like this (except for the type conversion):

RecipeID ChefID IngredientID RecipeName                     ChefName             ChefOrg         Instructions            IngredientName            Quantity Units      Preparation
——– —— ———— —————————— ——————– ————— ———————– ————————- ——– ———- —————
1        1      1            Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy! Aarti Sequeria       Food Network    Drop noodles into bo… chunky peanut butter      1        cup        NULL
1        1      2            Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy! Aarti Sequeria       Food Network    Drop noodles into bo… sesame seeds              1/4      cup        toasted        
1        1      3            Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy! Aarti Sequeria       Food Network    Drop noodles into bo… ginger                    6        tbsp       minced         
1        1      4            Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy! Aarti Sequeria       Food Network    Drop noodles into bo… garlic                    4        cloves     minced         
1        1      5            Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy! Aarti Sequeria       Food Network    Drop noodles into bo… green onion               1        bunch      thinly sliced  
1        1      6            Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy! Aarti Sequeria       Food Network    Drop noodles into bo… soy sauce                 1/2      cup        NULL

3        3      22           Ree”s Simple Sesame Noodles   Ree Drummond         Food Network    Bring a large pot of… thin noodles              12       oz         NULL
3        3      23           Ree”s Simple Sesame Noodles   Ree Drummond         Food Network    Bring a large pot of… canola oil                1/4      cup        NULL
3        3      24           Ree”s Simple Sesame Noodles   Ree Drummond         Food Network    Bring a large pot of… hot chili oil             1/2      tsp        NULL
‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 6  [2pts possible]:
Create indexes for Name in the Ingredient table and Name in the Chef table. Be sure that both
indexes include your initials in their name.
‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 7  [8pts possible]:
Changing a Recipe
Use UPDATE to make the following changes to Peanut Noodles for Miss Piggy!

Substitute 2 tbsp rice vinegar for 4 tsp red wine vinegar.
Substitute 1/2 tbsp sugar for 1 tbsp brown sugar.
Substitute egg noodles, 1/8″ thick for this spaghetti.
Change the instructions to the following:

————————————- Text starts here ——————————————
Drop noodles into boiling water, and cook until al dente, according to package instructions.
Meanwhile, throw peanut butter, sesame seeds (reserve 1 tbsp for garnish), ginger, garlic, soy
sauce, rice vinegar, sriracha, sugar, sesame oil, and cilantro into a big food
processor. Whiz ”em up until the sauce is smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings.

Toss veggies with a little sauce in a separate bowl. Drain cooked noodles, and then drizzle with
a little sesame oil. Toss with a pair of tongs. This will help keep the pasta from sticking.
In a big bowl, toss noodles, veggies, reserved sesame seeds, and sauce together.
————————————– Text ends here ——————————————-

Add a SELECT * statement after the last update that shows all the data in the all_data view.

Note: Be sure not to change any of the other ingredients/recipes, and DO NOT insert any new
rows into the database.
‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]

PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 8, Question 8  [3pts possible]:
After the UPDATEs in the previous question, there are now some ingredients that aren”t being
used in any recipes. Write a DELETE statement that deletes all unused ingredients. Use a SELECT
statement as a subquery in the WHERE clause of the DELETE statement that finds the correct
ingredients to delete (i.e., don”t hard-code the ingredient IDs for the ingredients to delete).

Then, SELECT * from all_data and from Ingredient to verify that your delete worked correctly.

Hint: You will be deleting ingredients 7, 9, and 12.
‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]

— This is an anonymous program block. DO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE.
   PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’;
   PRINT ‘ End of CIS275 Lab Week 8’ + REPLICATE(‘ ‘,50) + CONVERT(CHAR(12),GETDATE(),101);
   PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’;

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