Part A. Based on the unit 3 report, we now understand how joints/muscles/groups of muscle produce movements.
In this report, use your knowledge from the unit 3 report and describe in detail on what nerve innervates those muscles/groups of muscle to produce the following movements
1. Stand up from a sitting position
- Example:
When standing up the Iliacus and Psoas major are innervated by the Femoral nerve, whichflexes the hip jont (TeachMeAnatomy- Lower Limbs). The extension of the hip joint iscaused by the movement of the Gluteal maximus which is innervated by the Inferior GlutealNerve, the Gluteal medius and Gluteal minimus which is innervated Superior Gluteal Nerve,and the Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus muscles which areinnervated by the Tibial part of the sciatic nerve (TeachMeAnatomy- Lower Limbs). Theextension of the knee joint the Vastus lateralis, Vastus medials, Vastus intermedius, andRectus femoris muscle are innervated the Femoral Nerve (TeachMeAnatomy- Lower Limbs).
2. While standing upright, turn around 180 degrees to face opposite direction
3. Jumping over the couch and taking several steps forward
4. Reach forward and grasp a door knob
5. Turn a door knob 180 degrees clockwise
6. Sit down in a chair
7. Grasp the chopsticks
8. Raise the chicken and rice from a bowl to mouth
9. Bite, chew and then swallow a portion of the food
Part B. 1. Which cranial nerve affects taste?
2. Which cranial nerve is concerned with the maintenance of balance?
Part C. On the way to the doorknob, Matt stepped on a sharp nail. 1. What type of reflex will he trigger?
2. Describe the pathway from stepping on the nail to withdrawing his foot from the stimulus.