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Topic reduce the rate of death from any cause in adults with



Based on this objective you would develop a more specific evidence-based intervention

Gathering the Evidence

Besides the resources available in the topic areas of Healthy People 2030, visit South’s Online Library and conduct a review of literature looking for nursing research related to health promotion and disease prevention in your selected topic area. Also visit reputable internet sources such as the CDC, NINR, AHRQ.


  • Clearly describes the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.
  • Explain how the selected problem applies to advanced practice in the nurse practitioner role
  • Critically analyze the current literature related to interventions that address the problem related to communities from nursing, the sciences, and humanities.
  • Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework that applies to the problem.
  • Design an intervention to address the problem in the selected population/setting using appropriate epidemiological, social, and environmental assessments.
  • Design an evaluation plan to measure efficacy of the proposed intervention.

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