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The importance of the relational data model or entity-relationship model | Database management systems homework help

  1. Explain the following. Give an example (a) Superkey (b) Weak entity set (c) Attribute inheritance
  2. How important is familiarity with model species or model systems in the justification of data point selection, or the definition of statistical rules in general?
  3. What is three-layer architecture?
  4. In a table, you should always store a patient’s age rather than their actual birthdate. Is the statement true or false?
  5. How are a file and database different from each other?
  6. What is the difference between ODBC and JDBC database interfaces? (b) Why is it important to have effective and powerful interfaces like these for databases?
  7. Describe the importance of the relational data model or entity-relationship model.
  8. Why are national databases for DNA, palm prints, and fingerprints important?
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