Each question needs to be 200 words with 2 refs.
1. Script Kiddies and Code Monkeys
These two terms can be interpreted as derogatory, but they also appear as standard jargon in the workplace.
- What is a script kiddie?
- What is a code monkey?
- What are the differences? Does it matter?
- Does a kiddie make more money than a monkey? Programmer? Developer? Engineer?
- How are these terms used in a negative manner?
- Do they fit within a Christian worldview? Why/Why not?
- Within the tech industry, how are these terms applied?
- Do you want to be a script kiddie or code monkey someday? Why/Why not?
2. Runtime vs. Realtime Considerations
Thus far, we have learned several feature differences between scripting and programming languages.
- Research the concept of compilation with regards to code.
- Is there a difference in how scripts are compiled vs. how programs are compiled?
- What is the difference between compiletime and runtime?
- Should these differences and definitions have an impact on what language you choose to write in? Why?
- Research and determine what types of languages are used predominantly in your industry, I work in cybersecurity and why those choices might relate to the differences between runtime and realtime compilation and/or execution.