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Socw 6103 week 7 – discussion 2: external consequences of addiction | SOCW 6103 – Introduction to Addictions | Walden University

Discussion 2: External Consequences of Addiction

Not all consequences of addiction are internal. In many cases, the consequences of addiction are external and highly visible. External consequences are those that are tangible, noticeable, behavioral in nature, and usually unable to be hidden by choice.

There is no single experience that causes people to seek out treatment for their addiction. Individuals might begin recovery for a variety of reasons, though their motivation is likely to be related to internal consequences, external consequences, or a combination of the two.

For this Discussion, review the week’s resources and consider the external consequences of addiction. In addition, explore strategies that may be useful to clients who are faced with external consequences. Finally, consider your thoughts on whether internal or external factors motivate individuals to seek treatment sooner.

Provide a Detailed Discussion Post covering the following content, topics, and headings:

–  Two examples of external consequences that may result from clients with problems with addiction. 

– Explain one challenge with overcoming each external consequence detailed above. 

– Then explain two strategies that you might use as a future addiction professional to address external consequences. 

– Finally, explain your position on whether individuals are more motivated to seek treatment as a result of internal or external consequences. Support your response using the resources and the current literature.

Must contain at least 3 references. Reference the following sources:

Garrett, F. P. (2012). Getting away with addiction? Retrieved from http://www.bma-wellness.com/papers/Getting_Away_Addiction.html 

Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Foundations of addictions counseling (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

  • Chapter 14, “Alcohol      Addiction and Families” (pp. 305-327)

Alcoholics Anonymous. (n.d.). Acceptance was the answer. Retrieved from http://www.aa.org/bigbookonline/en_theystoppedintime16.pdf

SAMHSA. (2020). Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People With Co-Occurring Disorders. Retrieved from https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/SAMHSA_Digital_Download/PEP20-02-01-004_Final_508.pdf

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