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Signature project + major assignment (a+ required)


Major Assignment 2 Template

Attached Files:

Major Assignment 2 Template

Assignment Instructions: 

  • Download the file entitled, Major Assignment 2 Template and complete the assignment based on your selected educational research topic.
  • PLEASE NOTE —  The assignment is rather lengthy, therefore; it is strongly suggested that you do not wait to start this assignment on the day it is due. 
  • Good examples are provided for each of the assignments in ED 504. These examples did not score a perfect score and each has particular errors or issues; however, each example did receive a high score. ED 504 is not a course where you can simply fill in the blanks. You can use the examples as a guide, but you must invest in the process to question, compare, and critique while learning the many facets of writing, researching, and reporting. 


Signature Project Stage 1 Chapter 1 (edited) Plus Chapter 2

Attached Files:

Signature Project Stage 1 Chapters 1 and 2 

Assignment Instructions:

  • Use Microsoft Word to type Chapter 2 of your Signature Project Stage 1. Make sure you format it using APA rules, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double spaced.
  • PLEASE NOTE — The assignment is rather lengthy, therefore; it is strongly suggested that you do not wait to start this assignment on the day it is due.
  • Good examples are provided for each of the assignments in ED 504. These examples did not score a perfect score and each has particular errors or issues; however, each example did receive a high score. ED 504 is not a course where you can simply fill in the blanks. You can use the examples as a guide, but you must invest in the process to question, compare, and critique while learning the many facets of writing, researching, and reporting. 


Major Assignment 3 Template

Attached Files:

Major Assignment 3 Template

Assignment Instructions: 

  • Download the file entitled, Major Assignment 3 Template and complete the assignment based on your selected educational research topic.
  • PLEASE NOTE —  The assignment is rather lengthy, therefore; it is strongly suggested that you do not wait to start this assignment on the day it is due. 
  • Good examples are provided for each of the assignments in ED 504. These examples did not score a perfect score and each has particular errors or issues; however, each example did receive a high score. ED 504 is not a course where you can simply fill in the blanks. You can use the examples as a guide, but you must invest in the process to question, compare, and critique while learning the many facets of writing, researching, and reporting. 


Signarture Project Stage 1 Chapters 1 and 2 (edited) Plus Chapter 3

Attached Files:

Signature Project Stage 1 Chapter 1, 2, and 3 

Assignment Instructions:

  • Use Microsoft Word to type Chapter 3 of your Signature Project Stage 1. Make sure you format it using APA rules, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double spaced.
  • PLEASE NOTE — The assignment is rather lengthy, therefore; it is strongly suggested that you do not wait to start this assignment on the day it is due.
  • Good examples are provided for each of the assignments in ED 504. These examples did not score a perfect score and each has particular errors or issues; however, each example did receive a high score. ED 504 is not a course where you can simply fill in the blanks. You can use the examples as a guide, but you must invest in the process to question, compare, and critique while learning the many facets of writing, researching, and reporting. 


Signature Project Stage 1 Final Submission

ED 504 Overview, Directions, Outline for Signature Project Stage SP20 OL1.docx

Rubric Signature Project Stage 1 Final Submission SP20 OL1 200 points.docx

Good Example Signature Project Final Submission FA19.docx

Includes Chapters 1, 2, 3, References and Appendices. 

Assignment Instructions:  

  • Carefully review the Grading Rubric located in this folder that will be used to evaluate your work.
  • Before submitting your final work, you must have made corrections and improvements on each section based on the feedback that was provided throughout the semester.  All edits made since last grading must be made in red. 
  • The Signature Project Stage 1 must be submitted in the Turnitin link that follows. Turnitin is a system set to analyze your paper for plagiarism. This includes self-plagiarism. For the purpose of this assignment, please do not submit a paper you’ve previously submitted in another class or even a different educational institution. In addition, do not submit anyone else’s paper that has been submitted in previous years. The system will flag these types of papers, and your actions could cost you your academic career.
  • You may resubmit your Signature Project Stage 1 as many times as you would like prior to the DUE DATE. This would be in an attempt to reduce your similarity index. 
  • Signature Projects with a similarity score over 25% will have points deducted. A Signature Project scoring higher than 45% similarity will not be graded and a grade of 0 will be recorded.
  • Suggestions for reducing the similarity index include: adding more of your own verbiage to the justification, procedures, and review of the literature.  Do not use direct quotes.  Paraphrase and cite the sources. Be aware that after the first Turnitin submission, it takes 24 hours for a similarity report to be available. 
  • Good examples are provided for each of the assignments in ED 504. These examples did not score a perfect score and each has particular errors or issues; however, each example did receive a high score. ED 504 is not a course where you can simply fill in the blanks. You can use the examples as a guide, but you must invest in the process to question, compare, and critique while learning the many facets of writing, researching, and reporting. 
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