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Understanding Global Business Culture | College Homework Helpers

Global business culture is a major element to reflect on in the contemporary business environment. Organizations assess expected benefits while relying on the prevailing culture. It exposes potential business persons to key practices and values that can support their dreams and aspirations of becoming successful entities. The local practices and values are incorporated in the business context. The selection of one region as the trading and business segment depends on available opportunities. Aspects such as communication, decision-making, time orientation, sensitivity, among others determine if a business can commence operations, attain a competitive and sustainable advantage in the region. Creativity, innovation, and respect for the local language are indicators of potential growth in one region compared to another. Thus, understanding the global business culture supports an individual or organization in making investment decisions.

Understanding Business Culture Fosters Effective Communications

Language barriers in the international setting is an inevitable encounter. The best way to deal with these conditions is by learning the different cultures that exist in the world. Cultural awareness fosters how businesses behave in global markets (Guang & Trotter, 2012). Acquaintance to the various cultures that operate within distinct business environments provides individuals and organizations with a better chance to develop viable communication practices. When a business officially starts operations in a given nation, it strategically avails platforms that unite the workers. The element of unity is one of the reasons why corporate culture is an essential aspect for businesses. Unity among the workers benefits the company by congealing the values and goals among the workers. It also improves workforce morale and job satisfaction. Workers operate better when they are functioning in a conducive environment characterized by unity and togetherness. Organizational culture supports workforce motivation (Alves & Alves, 2015). A well-defined business culture accelerates the satisfaction of the employees in their roles and responsibilities within the business. They feel part and parcel of the business and as such focus on availing quality organizational results. Challenges associated with lack of familiarity with the English language complicates business engagements.

English is a common language used across various global nations. There exists a challenge between English native and non-native speakers all over the world. Amidst inability to communicate verbally lies the issue of nuances in non-verbal communication. For example, in Asian culture, businesses rely on subtle and indirect communication. Shenkar (2003) argues that Chinese business culture is felt by local and international companies. The local values and practices play a keen function in the development of the business sector. If a Western-based individual or organization commences operations in the region, they are likely to face numerous hardships. Direct use of words can be interpreted as a serious offense. For instance, the word “maybe” is often deemed as a “no” in the Chinese culture. The lack of understanding of some of these cues could derail attainment of the set objectives. Notably, it can also waste time, money, and also damage business relationships. Besides enhancing communication, culture supports familiarity to time orientation.

Time Orientation and Business Success

Time orientation refers to how the community values, handles and utilizes the ‘time’ factor. Time is an asset in the business context. Performance depends on how businesses utilize the time at their disposal. For example, in Western culture, time is portrayed as a commodity. Businesses compare time to money, and they often make appropriate use of any available second. The same applies to China where businesspersons value and uphold time. Chinese people respect time since they consider it to be the key to increased business performance. A study by Ayoun and Moreo (2009) examines the impact of time orientation on the strategic behavior of managers. The research found out that time is a major asset and delivers an opportunity to invest in long-term strategic plans. Compared to US hotel managers, Chinese professionals focus on long-term plans by making effective use of time. Openness to tactical change and obligation towards strategic decisions are some of the paramount tactics supported by time. Timekeeping is a vital element in most of the global nations. A potential business person willing to invest in time can consider starting operations in either China, US or any other country that considers time as a paramount asset.

Sensitivity to the Corporate Culture, Values, And Individual Personalities

Exposure to the global culture is a key aspect among global entrepreneurs. A large number of potential individuals and agencies are moving out of their comfort zone to start operations internationally. The move supports its business growth and development. These individuals should understand the culture of the nations they intend to invest in for maximum productivity. Familiarizing with the culture creates a chance to avail a quality company culture. The business will rely on the local workforce to meet its set goals and objectives. The workforce may contain individuals from diverse backgrounds. Paul, Meyskens, and Robbins (2011) state that managers should learn to be open and adaptive in diverse cultural expectations. Sensitivity supports establishment of significant organizational values and practices. Thus, there is a dire need to understand the local culture in efforts to develop and implement appropriate business practices. The move generates cultural sensitivity. For example, Chinese locals do not value direct communication. A foreign business operating in China learns to utilize indirect communication as opposed to direct one. Besides creating a sensitive corporate culture, it also makes the business develop a sensitive approach towards values and individual personalities. The local culture dictates how businesses should handle and manage their workers. Therefore, familiarizing with the culture allows businesses to develop a favorable workplace culture while relying on values and individual personalities.

Respect for the Local Language

Operating in a foreign land can be challenging for a business person especially due to language differences. These limitations do not bar individuals from investing internationally. Understanding the diversity aspect allows business persons and entities to commence operations and survive in the global setting (Hampden-Turner & Trompenaars, 2011). Familiarizing with distinct global business cultures provide individuals and agencies with a chance to understand their local language and other key business aspects. English is a widely used language across global business segments. However, some nations use their local language to interact and communicate when doing business. An individual or form investing in such nations should understand their local language and practices for improved interactions. It acts as a sign of respect to the values and practices of the local community. Notably, it shows respect for the people that a business person is doing business within the local setting. Besides the language, other elements play a vital role in enhancing communication and interactions. For example, a person can use a few words of welcome to show their contentment in the business engagement process. Thus, learning about distinct international business cultures show respect for local beliefs, values, and practices.

Integration of Creativity and Innovation

Diverse cultural perspectives support increased creativity and innovation. Cultural sensitivity translates to greater insights regarding local skills and knowledge. Lambert (2016) argues diversity impacts performance. Businesses that rely on creativity and innovative practices have a viable opportunity to attain enhanced outcomes. Understanding global business culture enables entrepreneurs to make vital decisions regarding the nations they find viable to locate their business ventures. For example, an assessment of the creative and innovative levels of China and the US supports businesses in making the right choice. If China largely supports innovation, the business would prefer starting operations in the country compared to the US. Thus, learning about the prevailing business cultures across the world supports businesses in identifying viable regions to start productive initiatives.

Familiarizing with the Global Business Cultures Aids in Decision-Making Processes

Decision-making is a daily routine in the business context. The global business culture practices allow a business to select the country that has favorable elements in regard to decisions. Organizations should adopt a global mindset to successfully engage in business and guarantee its survival (Begley & Boyd, 2003). In the US, entrepreneurs value speed when making decisions. Since time is money, they prefer making fast decisions. On the other hand, a nation such as China places limited regard for quick corporate decisions. They often take their time to discuss business decisions by closely weighing the pros and cons. Additionally, they also consult their friends and families in connection to business proposals at hand. When put under pressure to make a decision, they would rather shut down poor resist politely. Even though they lack quick action to decisions, they also experience scarcity of resources to undertake distinct initiatives. Chinese businesses encounter resource shortages (Li, Zhao, Tan & Liu, 2008). Thus, even though Chinese-based corporations may lack swift decision-making processes, they also encounter another major challenge. The lack of an ample resource base complicates efforts to initiate and implement quick strategic decisions.


Culture plays an important role in the determination of organizational beliefs, practices, and values. A business should carefully evaluate various culture across the world to evaluate regions that offer a competitive and sustainable advantage. The selection of one region over another depends on aspects such as the ability to engage effective communication, swift decision-making processes, utilization of the ‘time’ factor among other basics. For a firm that intends to invest in numerous nations, this is an opportunity to assess if they can ideally attain maximum benefits. This also depends on the prevailing culture of the respective nations. Thus, exposure to international business culture permits viable decision-making processes and the likelihood that it can grow and develop progressively.

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Understanding Global Business Culture | College Homework Helpers . (2022, October 25). Essay Writing . Retrieved December 10, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/understanding-global-business-culture/
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