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Research discussion | English homework help


linked item Week 2 Discussion: Beginning Your ResearchClick for more optionsWeek 2 Discussion: Beginning Your ResearchDiscussion Weight: 5%
Learning Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4
Review the Week 2 Discussion Rubric hereMAIN POSTFor this discussion complete the following readings. Then, answer the three questions that follow in a separate paragraph for each question.The Norton Field Guide

  • Chapter 47 (pp. 479-488); Chapter 48 (pp. 489-510)

Little Seagull Handbook

  • Section R-1, “Doing Research”

First, review the readings carefully. In one paragraph, share a tip or fact about research and/or about sources that you learned from the readings. Then, share a tip or a skill that you have used while conducting research in the past that was successful. Be sure to cite your reading.Second, reflect on your research methodology. Briefly describe and contrast what your process has been and what it will be in this course.Third, Review your feedback on Milestone 1. Then, identify which topic you will pursue and summarize your topic/argument. It may not be finalized, and that is acceptable. Describe the problem and proposed solution. List 3-5 search terms you consider using. You may include a word cloud by using EdWordle. Be sure to comment briefly on the keywords’ strength and effectiveness.Include a reference for any sources you used in the post.TIP: Respond to the questions above using a separate paragraph for each question. Please break out the search term list as bullet points or a clearly recognizable list or post as a photo word cloud.

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