For this assignment, you will identify and record, using a mixture of summary and quotation, six important passages from the assigned reading for week 8 (2 from the American Horizons reading, 2 from the World Turned Upside Down readings, and 2 from the DuBois & Dumenil readings). Additionally, you will respond to each of the six passagesyou select with your own thoughts, feelings, and questions. The passages that you choose must span the beginning, middle, and/or end of the assigned readings. Your response to each passage should be detailed, specific, and demonstrate a reflective engagement with the text.
To earn credit for this assignment, you must upload your reading log on time, and use Chicago Manual of Style format (either Notes/Bibliography or Author/Date) to cite the passages.
Here is the overall format that this assignment should follow:
- Important ideas and information from the first passage you’ve chosen (mixture of summary and quotation, with page numbers in Chicago format citation)
- Your thoughts, feelings, and questions in response
- Important ideas and information from the second passage you’ve chosen (mixture of summary and quotation, with page numbers in Chicago format citation)
- Your thoughts, feelings, and questions in response
- Important ideas and information from the third passage you’ve chosen (mixture of summary and quotation, with page numbers in Chicago format citation)
- Your thoughts, feelings, and questions in response
- Important ideas and information from the fourth passage you’ve chosen (mixture of summary and quotation, with page numbers in Chicago format citation)
- Your thoughts, feelings, and questions in response
- Important ideas and information from the fifth passage you’ve chosen (mixture of summary and quotation, with page numbers in Chicago format citation)
- Your thoughts, feelings, and questions in response
- Important ideas and information from the sixth passage you’ve chosen (mixture of summary and quotation, with page numbers in Chicago format citation)
- Your thoughts, feelings, and questions in response