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Project management unit vi essay

 Unit VI Essay 

Read the “Better Control of Development Projects at Johnson Controls” starting on page 445 in your textbook. 

Address the following questions in your essay. 

1. What control processes did Johnson Controls utilize in their projects? 

2. Explain the impact of scope creep on Johnson Controls’ projects. What control features should they implement to minimize the impact of scope creep in the future? 

3. Develop a set of 3–5 management review processes that Johnson Controls should implement as a part of their project management review of best practices. 

Your response should be a minimum of two pages in length and follow APA style. Use APA-style format with headings (not question-and-answer format). References should include at least two additional credible sources beyond the textbook. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA style 

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