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Political spectrum assignment | Political Science homework help

Research Political Parties and Political Ideology

Read the article by Timothy Ferris, “Conservative is not Opposite Liberal, That’s Totalitarianism”

LINK:  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/conservative-is-not-oppos_b_463726
Using the book and the internet, identify and construct political spectra

1) Research the following terms: Libertarians, Democrats, Republicans, Green Party, Tea Party/Reform Party, Progressives/Liberals, Conservatives, Fascists, Communists, and Socialists.

2) Draw a one-dimensional political spectrum and include the above terms, placing the terms where you think is most appropriate

  • explain what the extremes or “ends” of the diagrams represent
  • you can hand-draw and scan the diagrams 
  • you can use software to construct the diagrams 

3)Next, Draw a two-dimensional political spectrum (like Ferris) and label the same parties as above on this spectrum

  • you can use Ferris’ diagram, someone else’s, or your own 2-D spectrum or shape
  • if you use someone else’s idea from the internet, give them credit for their diagram
  • briefly explain what the diagram represents, analyzes, how it works, etc

4) Notes

  • Feel free to be unique with your 2-D diagram and presentation of the material
  • use clear structure, introduce content where necessary

** Assignment is graded on the neatness and clarity of diagrams, presentation, structure of content, and completeness of summaries/research. 

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