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Physics: application of newton’s laws

Due by Sunday 8/11 @ 11pm EST


The following questions ask you to solve problems involving Newton’s laws and forces


Work out each problem and post an image of your work for each question along with a brief description of how you solved the problem.


Your scanned work should include a free body diagram showing all forces acting on the object(s), as well as a step-by-step solution to the problem.


Question 1
A 2 kg book resting on a flat table requires an applied force of 4 N to make it move. Draw a free body diagram illustrating this situation and find the coefficient of static friction between the book and the table.


Question 2
A 30 kg crate is pulled across a flat floor with 80 N of force. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor is 0.15. Draw a free body diagram illustrating this situation and find the acceleration of the crate.


Question 3
An applied force of 100 N causes a 20 kg crate to accelerate across a level floor at 2 m/s2. Draw a free body diagram illustrating this situation and find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor.


Question 4
60 N of force is applied to a 10 kg crate initially at rest on a level floor. The coefficient of friction between the crate and the floor is 0.4. Draw a free body diagram illustrating this situation and find the distance traveled and the velocity of the crate after 3 seconds.


Question 5
Sue and Bill are standing on a frictionless surface of ice. Sue, whose mass is 60 kg, pushes Bill, mass 100 kg, with 300 N of force. Draw a free body diagram illustrating this situation and find the acceleration of both Sue and Bill.

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