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People and talent management: main task | MCO202

Main task

For Task 1.3, you should build a case study by selecting a company that you wish to conduct research on and critically discussing its contemporary talent management practices in place and answering the below questions:

  1. How has your selected company responded to the fast-changing environment and invested in talent retainment and acquisition? In what ways did that affect the performance of your case organization? Please provide examples to support your arguments.
  2. What was the impact of the Covid 19 crisis on the talent management practices of your case company?
  3. How can companies enhance their talent management practices while improving their performance in the
    Post Covid-19 era? (Make recommendations)

Please note that all questions carry equal marks

  1. Other details:
    •   Font size 12
    •   Double-spaced
    •   Number of words: 1500 – 2000
      All referencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.
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