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Oneplus case analysis 800 words

After you read the article(I have posted the article),  answer these questions in a Word Document. Please double-space your text and use Times New Roman 12 point font. This should be 3-4 pages. If you cite the book, simply put (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, pg. XX) after the quote/paraphrase, and you don’t need a source cited page. Please do include a source cited page for any other sources you use. 

  1. What were the main factors accounting for the early success of  OnePlus? Will these factors still be relevant as OnePlus moves into the mainstream/mass market?
  2. Which persona(s) from Exhibit 8 do you think form the most likely segment(s) to target for OnePlus’ expansion?
  3. Given your choice of target persona(s), what positioning would you recommend? What should “Never Settle” stand for in the future for this target persona(s)/segment(s)?
  4. For distribution channels and partners, should OnePlus stay online only or expand through physical retailers?
  5. Assume you have a marketing communications budget of $5 million.  Looking at Exhibit 11, recommend a communications plan. Which media channels should OnePlus emphasize? 
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