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Old testament character sketch bible study | BIBL 104 – Survey of Biblical Literature (D) | Liberty University


Old Testament Character Sketch Bible Study Instructions

General Instructions: 

For this assignment, you will be studying the life of one of the characters from Courageous Faith or a character related to their story. You will seek to discover what can be learned from the character you have selected when you purposefully study his or her life using the technique of observation, interpretation, correlation, and application. Rather than using the typical research paper format, this character sketch Bible study will be completed by using a template developed from Chapter 36 of Everyday Bible Study.

Specific Instructions:

1. The assignment must be completed using the provided template.

2. You must choose a major character covered in the individual chapters of Courageous Faith textbook. Thus, you must select a character from this list: Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, Boaz, David, Jonathan, Daniel, and Nehemiah. Additionally, the following characters are related to people covered in Courageous Faith and are also permisable for study: Sarah, Isaac, Caleb, Deborah, Ruth, Saul (the first king of Israel), Solomon, Ezra, and Esther.

3. For major characters with numerous Scripture passages (i.e. Abraham, Moses, and David) you do not need to use or reference every Scripture in the Bible related to your character. However, all of the important and prominent passages related to his or her life should be addressed in your assignment.

4. Any references used to complete this character sketch Bible study must be cited. You may do this parenthetically by using the following type of citation: (Hulshof, p. 235).

5. If references are used, a Works Cited or References page must be provided using the following format:

Hulshof, Chris H. Greatness and The Detroit Red Wings: Why the Winged Wheel is the Greatest Hockey Team on the Planet. Detroit: Motor City Press, 1926. 

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