Question 1.What is the fundamental moral principle of deep ecology according to Mark I. Wallace in his essay “Environmental Justice, Neopreservationism, and Sustainable Spirituality”?
Question 2.In the assigned segment of “David Orton, Deep Ecology,” how does activist David Orton explain the concept of deep ecology?
Question 3.What are the two opposing environmentalist groups that Mark I. Wallace discusses in his essay “Environmental Justice, Neopreservationism, and Sustainable Spirituality”?
Question 4.According to the video “Resisting the Green Dragon,” the policies of the environmental movement could only be implemented under a global government that would control every aspect of your life.
Question 5.What phrase best expresses the overall theme of John Seed’s poems “Gaia Meditations” and “Evolutionary Remembering”?
Question 6.According to the video “Resisting the Green Dragon,” why do conservative Christians reject the radical environmental agenda?
Question 7.In his essay “Environmental Justice, Neopreservationism, and Sustainable Spirituality,” Mark I. Wallace claims that sustainable spirituality is compatible with atheism.
Question 8.In his essay “Environmentalism as Religion,” Joel Garreau claims that calling environmentalism a religion is equivalent to saying that global warming is not real.
Question 9.In his essay “Saving the World: Religion and Politics in the Environmental Movement,” Roger S. Gottlieb argues that religion is private and should be kept out of politics.
Question 10.What does Joel Garreau mean by the term “Carbon Calvinism” in his article “Environmentalism as Religion”?