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“john moody is facing reorganization” case study directions: read the

“John Moody is Facing Reorganization” Case Study

Directions: Read the case, “John Moody is Facing Reorganization” in your textbook and perform the following tasks:

  1. Using the information about John’s company in the chapter, particularly the organizational chart in the exhibit, analyze his current situation. Consider whether John’s strategy and structure are still useful.
  2. Prepare a 2-3 page report to include your recommendations regarding what should be done to turn this situation around. You should include an organizational chart in your report reflecting your recommendation. What concepts presented in chapter 4 of your textbook are involved with this conflict


When we last heard from John ( see exhibit 4-6). His organization was a mature stage of organizational development. His business had grown from a single entrepreneur to a large, vertical, line and –staff organization. Unfortunately, the economy is experiencing a recession, which is impacting the demand for John’s products. His costs are exceeding his revenues, and he cannot afford to continue operating at a loss long-term.

Below is web site that has the whole case. please just copy and past it and it will bring up chapter 4 where there is more information on John moody. 





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