Planning is the key to successful completion of the dissertation. In this assignment, you will collaborate with your chair to establish a plan for completing a reasonable amount of the dissertation during this course. It is important to show all of the intended deliverables, as negotiated with your chair, in your Individual Success Plan. You will submit these deliverables to your chair in the appropriate modules for the purpose of grading.
The time it will take to complete your Final Dissertation will depend upon the schedule you establish for completing each of the milestones. As such, it is important to review the milestones to ensure you are meeting each one along the Dissertation Journey.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Complete the Contact Information table at the beginning of the resource, and type in your signature and the date on which you completed the table.
Read the information in the ISP document including the following:
Follow the instructions and complete the ISP. Include the following in your ISP:
Reminder: To complete this course successfully, you will need to have a prospectus that your Chair and methodologist have both approved. Without that approved prospectus, you will fail the course and need to retake the class. Knowing that you will be unable to move forward in your program without an approved prospectus, your Individual Success Plan (ISP) should reflect specific actions you will take to produce a prospectus that will meet approval.