Persuasive Speech
Goals: To influence listeners’ beliefs, attitudes, and their behavior about a topic through strategic presentation and information
Topic: The topic for the persuasive speech must reflect the Chicana/o Latino Experience in the local and global society.
1. Three sources
2. Outline plus Citation page
3. Sources cannot be older than 10 years
4. Review Rubric A: Evaluation for Persuasive Speeches
Keep in mind the following:
1. Question what you hear
2. Evaluate material to reach your own conclusion
3. Be receptive to new information and ideas
4. Support their views with reason and evidence
5. Be ready to discuss
Verbal Materials
1. Examples, statistics, quotes, facts/opinions
A. Theses develop interest, and establish basis for understanding
B. Clarify thoughts
C. Listeners respond
D. They tend to remember
You must include statistics in delivery and cite your source
1. Check source….is it reliable?
2. Note age…must be recent
3. Use round numbers
4. Use statistics sparingly
5. Give them meaning
1. Check author’s qualification
2. Check against others
3. Use exact words
4. Establish author’s credibility
5. If you use out of context don’t destroy author’s intent
6. Use variety in introduction and conclusion
7. Do not say: quote/unquote or use hand gestures Fact and opinion
1. Use primary sources
2. Check on reliability
1. You can use hypothetical “let’s imagine…”
2. Examples to compare
3. Again, check fact/opinion content
4. Apply test of inductive (evidence) reasoning
(Do you have enough to justify a conclusion?)
Ethymemes deal with probabilities
Syllogisms deal with certainties/absolutes…(all Chicanos/as Latinos 0 Reasoning/Incorporate the following:
1. Logical Appeal/Verbal materials
2. Psychological Appeal/emotional overtone
3. Personal Appeal/ Attend to appearance
Inductive: Statement followed by reason “generalization”
Deductive: Move from general to specific details