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Hlsc 730-discussion 5 | HLSC 730 – Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence Strategies | Liberty University

The thread must be a minimum of 450-500 words. MINIMUM OF TWO SOURCES BESIDES THE TEXTBOOK. Must cite at least 2 sources in addition to the Bible.

TEXTBOOK: Prunckun, H. (2019). Counterintelligence theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Inc. ISBN: 9781786606884.

Ronczkowski, M. R. (2018). Terrorism and organized hate crime. (4th ed.). Boca Raton FL: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press). ISBN: 9781138703469.

Based on your readings thus far from the text and your own research summarize what we need to understand and how we go about understanding it when it comes to terrorism from an intelligence and analysis viewpoint. Discuss factors to be considered when assessing a potential terrorist threat. Finally, explain analyzing through transformation information into intelligence. Along with this discuss analytical and investigative variables.

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