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Gb519 unit 4 measurement and decision making

[GB519 | Measurement and Decision Making]

Part 2:

Turn in Part 2 of the case study at the end of this unit.
The second and final part of the case study is due at the end of Unit 4. Part 2 of the case study is a
PowerPoint presentation with voiceover recording. The Voiceover will be the narrative you would be
presenting as if this were a live presentation. You will, in essence, be making a presentation to the
Board of Directors of your organization.
Your Unit 3 – Part 1 of the Case Study will be the basis for your PowerPoint presentation. If you have
not submitted the Unit 3 – Case Study Part 1 assignment, you will not be eligible to submit the Unit 4
– Case Study Part 2.
Like the Unit 3- Case Study Part 1 – your PPT Presentation should:
– Begin with a brief review of the organization. Keep in mind that the members of the board may or
may not have read the report you completed in Parts 1 of the Project. Even though this will be a brief
presentation, it should include all essential information and data.
-Be based on the Readings; create a balanced scorecard, incorporating all four of the organizational
dimensions (financial, customer, internal business, and learning and growth). Identify 3-5 critical
success factors (CSF) for each dimension, and evaluate your organization’s performance in relation
to these critical success factors. (To help you with this part, review the material found on pages 11,
and 43 through 51 in your textbook. Your BSC should resemble Exhibit 2.5 in the Textbook, page
-Identify significant costs in your organization. Which of these costs are associated with quality?
Remember, quality costs are not limited to manufacturing organizations. There are also costs
associated with the quality of service. Are there costs associated with environmental concerns?
Evaluate these quality and environmental costs and identify whether they are prevention costs,
appraisal (detection) costs, internal failure costs, or external failure costs.
-Create a “Strategy Map” for your organization. Your organization’s Strategy Map should resemble
Exhibit 2.6, seen on page 47 of your textbook. Include an explanation for each element in your
Strategy Map. One thing to particularly note – The BSC and Strategy Map must be aligned. Please
compare Exhibit 2.6 & 2.7 on pages 47 & 48 in the textbook. Please note that the elements in the
BSC & the Strategy Map are coordinated.
-Next, incorporate a discussion of Sustainability, as seen on pages 48 to 51 in your textbook. Use
specific measures for Environmental (EPI) and Social Performance Indicators (SPI).


Unit 4 – Assignment 2

[GB519 | Measurement and Decision Making]

-Include a section devoted to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (CVP) Review Chapter 9 in your textbook.
The level of detail you include in this section is flexible. But, make sure your analysis is related to
actual financial data from the company.
-Finally, end with a summary review (A formal “Conclusion” slide is required) of the performance
evaluation. What are the key strengths and weaknesses of the organization? What changes would
you recommend be made to the current organizational strategy?
Additional content could include: A discussion of any potential biases that could potentially impact the
outcome of the decision-making process related to the continued success of the organization.
The Power Point presentation should include 12 – 14 slides. The first slide must be a Title Slide, and
the Final Slide must be your Reference List. The presentation itself (voiceover) should be 10 to 15
minutes long. In addition to recording the Voiceover, the text of your Voiceover must be written into
the “Notes” section of each slide. Proper Grammar and spelling will be an important part of the
assignment. So, be sure to perform a “Spell Check.”
Important Note: One of the most important techniques to use in any PowerPoint presentation is to
create clean, crisp slides that use a minimal number of “bullet points.” If the slide is too cluttered, the
presentation suffers. Therefore, the “Notes” section underneath each slide should be the place where
all of the topics in that slide are thoroughly developed. Do not add the body of your presentation to
the slides. Only incorporate the main “talking points,” then use the Notes section to add all of the
body, thereby creating a more professional and robust presentation.
After you have completed the case study, upload your PowerPoint presentation to the Unit 4
Assignment 2 Case Study Dropbox before 11:59 p.m. (ET), on Tuesday of Unit 4.

Name your assignment filename using this format:

LastName_FirstName_Unit#_AssignmentName. For example, this Assignment will be named:


Assignments submitted late will be subject to the Late Policy described in your Syllabus.

The Unit 4 Assignment Two Rubric has been provided here and in Doc Sharing. The rubrics are an
integral part of all assignment instructions. Please review the rubric document for a complete
understanding of how your assignments will be assessed. Doing so will help you successfully
complete your assignments.
Unit 04 Project Case Part Two Rubric:

Unit 4 – Assignment 2

[GB519 | Measurement and Decision Making]

Part (1) Title & Reference slides.


Part 3) Balanced Scorecard


Part (4) Strategy Map


Part (5) Sustainability


Part (6) CVP Analysis


Part (7) Conclusion


Part (8) Twelve to 14 slides


Part (9 ) Voice over = 10 to 15 minutes

Instructor Additional
Comments (If necessary)


Part (2) Organization Introduction





Critical Thinking/Format/Grammar/Spelling


Slides crisp – uses bullet points, uncluttered


All text for Voice Over included in “Notes”


Final Score



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