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Exp19_access_ch05_capassessment – paterson credit union 1.0


Exp19_Access_Ch05_CapAssessment – Paterson Credit Union 1.0


Exp19_Access_Ch05_CapAssessment – Paterson Credit Union 1.0

Project Description:

You work as a database administrator at the Paterson Credit Union. You are modifying a database to add validation, lookup fields, and an input mask. You will also modify queries to take advantage of advanced functions and features.


Start Access. Open the file named Exp19_Access_Ch05_CapAssessment_Paterson_Credit_Union.accdb. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


You   want to make sure that the customer account types are documented and stored   correctly. To do this you will create a table that will list each account   type.

  Use Design view to create a new table. Add AccountType   as the first field name, with data type Short Text and field size 10. Ensure AccountType is set as the   primary key. Save the table and name it AccountTypes.   Add three records: Platinum,   Silver, and Gold.   Save and close the table.


Now,   you wish to ensure that, when customers are added to your database, the phone   number and account type must be entered. To do this you will set the   PhoneNumber and AccountType fields as required fields.

  Open the Customers table in Design view. Set the PhoneNumber and AccountType   fields to Required. Save and close the table.


Paterson   Credit Union only offers loans with interest rates between 2.0% and 10.25%.   To ensure that no loans are offered outside of those constraints you will add   a validation rule that will not allow loans outside of that range to the   InterestRate field in the Loans table.

  Open the Loans table in Design view. Establish a validation rule for the   InterestRate field that requires the value to be greater than or equal to 2.0 but less than or equal to 10.25. Create validation text for the   InterestRate: Value must be between 2   and 10.25   (no period). Save the table and switch to Datasheet view. Change the   InterestRate in the first record to 1.9.   The validation text appears. Press ESC to restore the original value. Close   the Loans table.


You’ve   made the PhoneNumber field required in the Customers table, but now you want   to ensure that phone numbers are entered in a specific format. To do this you   will add an input mask to the PhoneNumber field in the Customers table.

  Open the Customers table in Design view. Add a phone number input mask for   the PhoneNumber field, storing the symbols with the data.


You   would like to easily add the account type for each customer without typing   anything on your keyboard. To do this you will turn the AccountType field   into a Lookup Wizard using the AccountTypes table, that you recently created,   as the source.

  Change the Data Type of the AccountType field to Lookup Wizard. Use the   AccountTypes table for the values in the lookup field, select the AccountType   field from the table, accept the default sort, accept default column widths,   and then accept the default name AccountType.   Save the table. Switch to Datasheet view.


Change   the account type to Platinum in the   first record. Close the table.


For   ease of use, you would like for users to be able to indicate the minimum loan   amount on which they would like to pull loan information. You will do this by   adding a parameter criterion to the LoanAmount field in the Customer Loans   Parameter query.

  Open the Customer Loans Parameter query in Design view. Add criteria for the   Amount field. The user should be prompted to Enter Minimum   Loan Amount (no period). The query should display   all records that have a loan Amount that is greater than or equal to the value   entered as the parameter. Run the query. Enter 250000   when prompted to Enter Minimum Loan Amount. You should have five results.   Ensure that the query results display a total at the bottom of the Date   column, and an average at the bottom of the Amount column. Save and close the   query.


You   have noticed that a few of your customers are missing address information.   You would like to address this by creating a query that returns only the   customers that are missing addresses so that you can update that information.   You will complete this by adding a field that indicates whether an address is   missing then adding criteria to that field so that only customers with   missing addresses are returned.

  Open the Missing Addresses query in Design view. Add a new column to   determine if a customer does not have an address on file. If the customer’s   Address is null, it should display Missing.   If not, it should display nothing. Name the column AddressPresent. Add criteria of Missing to the column you just created, so only   the customers missing an address display. Move the AddressPresent field so it   appears between PhoneNumber and Address. Run the query. Ensure only customers   with null Address fields display. Save and close the query.


For   simplicity, you are now interested in rounding the interest rates for each   loan to the nearest whole number. To do so, you will utilize the Round   function in the Loans by Interest Rate query.

  Open the Loans By Interest Rate query in Design view. Create a new column to   round the InterestRate of each Loan to the nearest whole number. Name the   field RoundedRate. Run the query and verify the   RoundedRate column displays whole numbers. Save and close the query.


Seeing   what the total and average payments month over month are is important to your   operation. To display this information, you will use the DatePart function to   extract the month from the PaymentDate field then ensure that the query is   grouped by month.

  Open the Payment By Month query in Design view. Change the first column so   that instead of grouping by the payment date, you group by the month. Use the   DatePart function to extract the month from the date. Name the column MonthNumber. Group by the MonthNumber field and   display the Sum of the first Total field and the Average of the Average   field. Run the query. The first line should read 2 (as the month,   representing February), with a total of $5,246.51 as the total payments   received and $1,311.63 as the average payment amount. Ensure that the query   results display a total at the bottom of the Total column, and an average at   the bottom of the Average column. Save and close the query.


Finally,   you would like to classify the various loans as either high or low priority   for the Credit Union. To do this you will add a column that determines   whether the interest rate for a loan is greater than or equal to 7.9%, as   that is what is considered high priority.

  Open the Refinance Candidates query in Design view. This query displays all   adjustable loans in the database. Create a new column to display High Priority for all loans that have an   InterestRate of 7.9% or more, and Low Priority   otherwise. Name the field Priority.   Run the query. Notice customers with the highest interest rate values show a   higher priority. Save and close the query.

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