The purpose of this assignment is:
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO#2)
CO8: Selects evidence for best practices when planning professional nursing care involving systems, processes, and devices for individuals, families, aggregates and communities. (PO#8)
Please do not use any of the Nurse Daniel information for your own topic, nursing intervention, or change project. Nurse Daniel serves as an example only to illustrate the change process.
transcript : NR451 Transcript for EBP Change Process assignment (Week 6): September 2019
Hi Class. This is Diane Parry, NR451 Course Leader and I would like to welcome you to a short tutorial to assist you in completing your Week 6 EBP Change Process assignment.
You will be prompted in Week 1 to download the EBP Change Process form and view the tutorial. You will use this form to follow Nurse Daniel in the lessons each week (Weeks 1-6) and progressively complete the information on the form. This form is due at the end of Week 6. For more information and details on this assignment, click on the link indicated to view assignment guidelines, tutorial, and rubric. The assignment guidelines and rubric are located under the Week 6 module and this specific form is required and due at the end of Week 6.
As you can see, the form contains prompts to assist you in your descriptions. Use this form to follow Nurse Daniel in the lessons each week (Weeks 1-6) and progressively complete the information. Your writing is not limited to the space provided and the boxes should expand as needed. You should be succinct in your writing but very clear with many details and complete sentences. No quotes are permitted in this assignment and paraphrasing and your own wording is required. Please cite any sources in APA format.
The purpose of this assignment is:
To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a systematic review after identifying a clinical topic of concern and related nursing practice issue.
The information from the ‘Illustration’ part of our lessons in Weeks 1-6 will mentor you through this process. Your change process is to be set up as a pilot project. You are encouraged to work through the sections of the form each week starting in Week 1 by following Nurse Daniel as he works through this same process.
Find a systematic review on your topic from any database in the Chamberlain Library. Be sure this involves nursing actions. If you need assistance or want to check on the value of your chosen review, please consult your instructor by calling or sending an email.
To find out more about the use of systematic reviews, in general, please refer to the required article reading in Week 2.
The EBP Change Process assignment rubric is located in the guidelines area. It is a good final step to check the rubric prior to submission to assure you have included all vital parts of the assignment. There are prompts under each listed Criteria on the rubric to assist you when completing this form.
This assignment is worth 225 points. Please read through the directions carefully and reach out to your instructor with any questions.
As always, please contact your 451 instructor with questions. Consulting with your instructor early on the choice of: your topic, the systematic review, and the PICOT question will help ensure your success with this assignment.
EBP Change Process (form)
references: American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
American Nursing Association [ANA]. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Publishing.