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Discussion: the tyrant | Applied Sciences homework help


Discussion 5

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In the episode, The Tyrant, Dr. Cuddy makes a decision about a Sitibi woman who is brought into the hospital and told to perform a task. Dr. Cameron appeals to Dr. Cuddy, but is overruled.

  • What is this decision?
  • Who is ethically correct in the situation, Dr. Cuddy, or Dr. Cameron?
  • Why do you think so?


Our discussions are a valuable opportunity to have thoughtful conversations regarding a specific topic. You are required to provide a comprehensive initial post with 3–4 well-developed paragraphs that include a topic sentence and at least 3–5 supporting sentences with additional details, explanations, and examples. In addition, you are required to respond substantively to the initial posts of at least two other classmates. All posts should be reflective and well written, meaning free of errors in grammar, sentence structure, and other mechanics.

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