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Delancey street video (deviance) | Sociology homework help

Watch the video, Incarceration Alternative: Delancey Street (Links to an external site.).http://searchcenter.intelecomonline.net/playClipDirect.aspx?id=9A7254EDA56D7686E6A2F33693BE3B80D85CE15554E3D85314636BB2D41CAAC60FD04D4C036543D83FE7ABBD23A0AD20Note: This video link will open a video player in a new window. Write a minimum 250 word reflection (2 paragraphs) 

  • What is Delancey Street?
  • How does behavioral change occur?
  • Are persons labeled on Delancey Street? Explain.
  • What is the goal of Delancey Street?
  • How would you improve Delancey Street?
  • What is your opinion about programs such as Delancey Street

Please do not just answer the questions — make certain to write your ideas in paragraph format! You must post to see each others’ responses. For more information about this organization check out the Delancey Street Foundation (Links to an external site.) http://www.delanceystreetfoundation.org/index.php


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