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Data Analytics | Information Systems homework help

In your own words, describe the key drivers of information systems infrastructure evolution.

Tools and technology are constantly changing in the field of data. As technology grows and more tools become available, it is important to be familiar with what analysts currently use and be able to adapt to the latest tools and technology to meet the needs of your stakeholders. In this assignment, you will explore a specific tool or technology and how it is used to analyze and visualize data.


  • Identify at least one tool or technology used to visualize data results. For example, Microsoft Excel, Oracle, CRM systems, Tableau, SAS, Python, R, and Visio can be used to create graphs, charts, interactive content, infographics, or dashboards.
  • Describe the benefits of using the tool or technology. Consider cost, ease of use for analysts and other users in the business, availability (the organizational form may influence the type of tool or technology you have access to), and so on.
  • Determine the type(s) of data that are appropriate for the tool or technology.
  • Determine the type(s) of visualization(s) that can be created using the tool or technology.

What to Submit

This assignment must be turned in as a 1– to 2–page Microsoft Word document. All references must be cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on how to ensure your references are appropriately cited in APA format.


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