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Critical thinking easy due friday morning pacific standard time


Select one of the two questions below, and write a well-developed, clearly organized, six paragraph essay that responds to the question. Your essay should contain: an introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement that responds to the question, four supporting paragraphs with evidence to support your ideas, and a concise conclusion.

The evidence in your essay can come from class readings, discussions and assignments, your own research, or your own observations. A diverse selection of evidence will strengthen your argument and your paper. Additionally, thorough analysis should be provided, that clearly explains how the evidence supports the essay’s thesis statement.

  1. The progression of technology has had a tremendous impact on individual identities, especially when compared to previous generations. We as individual people have more access to outside influences than ever before. Do you think that the increase in potential influences makes it more difficult for a person to make his or her own choices about identity, or do the additional options make it easier to self-identify? 
  2. Advertising has grown more and more pervasive. We used to simply get ads on TV and radio, in print, and on roadside billboards.  Now, however, it is everywhere. They cover the spaces around us and fill the screens we stare at. There are also marketing techniques and product placements that keep brands in our consciousness all the time.  All with the intent to maximize brand loyalty and profit. Should corporations have unlimited access to us through advertising, or should they be forced to advertise less?  

Hello! Final thoughts for this essay before rough draft is due. Just want to reinforce content from my last few announcements. You need to think about all concepts from this semester. As a writer, you need to think about the rhetorical appeals (pathos, ethos, logos), different perspectives/critical theories (race, gender, class, psychology), fallacies, and and different logical approaches that have been introduced throughout the semester. Next, don’t forget about research. All semester you have been asked to find sources for your essays and assignments. And, don’t forget that you need citations and validation for your evidence. Lastly, MLA format is expected. Don’t forget your works cited page.

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