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Commerce | Business homework help

Let’s consider an enterprise called BrotherBikes. BrotherBikes manufactures bicycles and resells t-shirts. BrotherBikes sells bikes and t-shirts to a network of customers (specialized, dealers throughout the world, individual customers). It procures raw materials for bikes from a variety of suppliers, acquires ready-made t-shirts from a set of sewing labs and it has a network of investors and creditors that allows it to support its finance.

A. Propose a value system-level model for BrotherBikes. Prepare a matrix as follows:

External Business Partner Resources Flowing From External Business Partner Resources Flowing to External Business Partner


Individuals and organizations today face a variety of security threats. To protect themselves from these threats, they usually take certain protective measures_commonly known as safeguards. In an essay, describe some important safeguards and explain how they function to protect organizations from security threats.

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