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Change management | Management homework help

Below is an outline for guidance that can help in creating your outline project. In the past students get caught up in the sentence part of the assignment. I know the instructions say to have:

Full-sentence outlines are often accompanied by an APA reference list on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize in-text citations in the current APA format.

The intent is to provide a sentence or a quote to help outline a subject. For instance, if in your introduction you what to define change management. You can use a direct quote of what change management is but I’m not looking for your paper. An outline is to help you layout how you want to write your paper and keep your focus on the topic. Please do not stuff your paper into the outline, e.g., full paragraphs of quotes or your annotated bibliography.

Example of an Outline Structure:

Thesis Statement:

Question(s)/Issues Begin Addressed:

Overview of paper’s main ideas (background info)
Reason or Point #1 (topic sentence)
Example or detail that supports the topic sentence
Research to support (should be cited)
Explain how/why the research is important
Example or detail that supports the topic sentence
Research to support (should be cited)
Explain how/why the research is important
Concluding sentence (restate topic sentence)

Reason or Point #2 (repeat the above process)

Reason or Point #3 (repeat the above process)
Restate thesis
Summarize main reasons
End by reminding the reader of the topic‘s importance and impact

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