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Chair the fed: a monetary policy game


Go to http://sffed-education.org/chairman. Use the Learn More button and review the tight (contractionary) and easy (expansionary) tools of the Fed as well as the use of each. Briefly examine the Economic Dictionary and the Policy in Depth features.

Now play the game! You are the Fed Chairperson! You begin with 16 quarters, 4 years, and then your job is up for review. You begin with rates at 4.5, inflation at 2.14% and unemployment at 4.75%.

Make decisions on interest rates for the 16 quarters. Summarize the changes you chose and explain your results. Do you still have a job? Why or why not?

DIRECTIONS: To get started, click on the +Pin option on the upper right hand corner and write your response. Click on “How Points Work” to see how you can earn your points. Once you reach 100% you will earn your full 20 points in Blackboard. Please note that points can be deducted if the post is not high quality.

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