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Case study paper | Sociology homework help

For Exam 1, students will write a short paper (3-5 pages) applying the NASW code of ethics as it relates to human diversity. Student will:

  • Choose and discuss a case presented in the course textbook.
  • Examine and describe any differences/diversity between you and your client (i.e. race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, religious domination, social class, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, life experiences, etc.).
  • What potential dilemmas could you experience from having a person that is different from you that you will be helping? How can you relate to this person? How it hinder or help your practice?
  • Based off what these dilemmas are, how will you resolve each dilemma? Discuss how you are going to apply the NASW code of ethics and values to your practice with this person who is different from you.

This paper should be a maximum of 3-5 double-spaced pages in length and follow APA format. Include and cite the case study and the value/ethics from NASW that you are applying as well as any information from journal articles/academic research on best practices on how to deal with certain differences. General grading criteria for written work include logical development of concepts, thoroughness, and clarity of written expression, application of content from the course and independent research, and appropriateness of the product to the assignment given. Your grade will be determined based on the following rubric.

Diversity and Ethics Rubric:


Points Possible

Case study


Discussion of diversity


Potential dilemmas


Apply NASW code of ethics as it relates to human diversity


APA style 3-5


Total points possible


NASW Code of Ethics

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