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Case analysis | Management homework help

please find the case 14.1 on Page 430 attached in the file




Case 14.1, The Netflix Decision That Could Cost…. Subscribers




The purpose of the case analyses is to apply course concepts to situations that real companies have experienced. For each analysis, please number and respond to the questions immediately following the case, but do not write the questions themselves. Your answers to the questions should include specific references to relevant material in the chapter in which the case is found.


Each case analysis should be 600-750 words, which is approximately two-and-a-half double-spaced typewritten pages. Please use double-spacing and a 12-point font. The cover sheet, which is not part of the 600-750 words, should have the name of the case, your name, the course name and number (ORGB), and the date. There should be no headers or footers on any page, and page numbers are optional.




         Quality of writing, length, and format                                             10 points

         Thoroughness of responses to questions                                         20 points

         Specific references to relevant material in the case’s chapter           20 points

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