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Badm370db3 | BADM370 Quality Management | Colorado Technical University

250- 350 words, APA 7 format, in-text citation, Use at least two (2) scholarly references to substantiate your work. Please write in the present tense. Please provide a copy of all references used.  

**Personal Experience is attached

Assignment Description 

Discuss the following points regarding the total quality management (TQM) concept:

  • Using personal experience in regard to the quality improvement programs that you discussed in the previous week, which of the following specific quality program tactics were involved?
    1. Increased or decreased inspection
    2. Designing quality in
    3. 5S
    4. Kaizen
    5. Mistake-proofing
    6. Other
  • Describe the specifics of what was done, and what is means. In your discussion, provide supporting examples. 
  • Based on additional research, what other TQM approaches could have been beneficial during the quality improvement program?
  • specifically what you believe was done to indicate that this is why you believe this approach was taken.
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