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Ache v. ama code of ethics

  1. Complete your required reading.
  2. In a 3-4 page paper, address the following:
    • Critique the ACHE Code of Ethics with the Code of Medical Ethics put forth by the American Medical Association.
    • Develop a list of similarities and differences between the two codes.
    • Choose any one of the cases listed in Chapter 10 that involves physician and distinguish how the list of ethical code similarities and differences are present in the case. Make sure to include several similarities and differences you observe.
    • Using the Code of Medical Ethics and the case you have chosen, create a brief outline of key medical ethics principles you would build upon by meeting with the physician in the case. 

Links to reading material: 

Boston University Law students offer various opinions on a potential “Death with Dignity” law in the state of Massachusetts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iqw7XF9fyg

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