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8-10 microsoft powerpoint | Sociology homework help

Select a contemporary story in the form of a novel, movie, or video game that is inspired by a mythological epic or hero’s quest.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes of (at least 4-5 good-sized sentences for each set of notes) about the contemporary hero’s or heroine’s quest geared to an audience of seventh graders.  Speaker notes should not be on slides.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • A short explanation of archetypes and heroes
  • Brief description of the plight of your selected main character—the feat(s) he or she must execute for the benefit of society in the face of challenges
  • Other archetypes within the story and a brief description of their roles in the hero’s quest
  • Research about the mythological and cultural origins of the story; explanation of parallels between the myth(s) and the contemporary story it inspired
  • Relating these to the conflicts and choices ordinary humans struggle with

Include a reference slide at the end of the presentation. 

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