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Your Personal Guide book | Human Resource Management homework help

Your Personal Guidebook

Throughout the business program, you have the opportunity to add one  assignment or activity to your personal guidebook, which is a  personalized career plan to help you grow and develop throughout your  business journey. These assignments will feature leadership and career  skills you can use to guide you in your career. Your personal guidebook  evolves with you, transforming as you grow, to help you keep track of  where you are on the path to success.

Template: Your Personal Guidebook

Part 1

Select three (3) skills from either of the lists below that you have developed during your business program journey and explain how you are ready to apply these skills.

Industry Skills 10 Employability Skills
Management Problem Solving
Leadership Results-Driven
Operations Communication
Marketing Technology
Business Development Agility
Business Technical Skills Self and Social Awareness
Process Improvement Productivity
Finance/Budgeting Initiative
Forecasting Innovation
Strategic Planning Relationship Building
Explain Choice 1:

Enter your text here.

Explain Choice 2:

Enter your text here.

Explain Choice 3:

Enter your text here.


Part 2

Review your resume. Explain what changes you will make (or have made) to reflect the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have gained from the business program. Reflect on your personal S-Curve in your explanation.

Enter your text here.


Part 3

Consider your social media presence and how it aligns with your career goals and academic accomplishments. Audit your social media presence and describe changes you can make to showcase completion of your degree and ensure your social media aligns with your personal brand (consider your S-Curve).

Identify three social media platform(s) you currently use or could use in the future to advance your career goals. Enter your text here. Enter your text here. Enter your text here.
Explain how you can use each platform to increase your career opportunities and provide potential employers with a clear vision of your accomplishments, goals, and personal brand. Enter your text here. Enter your text here. Enter your text here.


Part 4

Write a personal brand statement. Your personal brand is who you are, what you do, and what you want. A personal brand statement should be clear and concise (1-3 sentences). This statement can be used on your resume, social media, or in an elevator pitch.

Enter your text here.


Part 5

Explain one key takeaway you hope to gain from this course in preparation for the next phase of your career or continued academic journey. (Your response should be 3-5 sentences)

Enter your text here.



This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the library site for support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

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