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Write a c++ program that asks


Write a C++ program that asks the user for the number girl scouts in their troop and the number of weeks they sold boxes of cookies.The program should collect the following information using nested for loops:•The first name of each girl scout.•The number of boxes of cookies sold each week by each girl scout.The program should calculate and display the following information:•The total boxes of cookies sold by each girl scout.•The total boxes of cookies sold by the entire troop.•The average boxes sold per week by the troop.•The name of the girl scout who sold the most cookies.Cookie Counter ProgramLab 7 –More LoopingSample Program Output on the next page.Make sure to include the following input validation:•Validate that the number of girl scouts is greater than zero.•Validate that the number of weeks sold is greater than zero.•Display an error message if either condition above occurs.

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