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When and why should a farmer add lime to soil? | Agriculture homework help

When and why should a farmer add lime to soil?

What are some of the costs and impacts resulting from the conversion of natural forests to industrial palm plantations? What might be the additional costs and impacts of forest conversion?

(a) How is the protein titin used in the biotechnology field?

(b) List its applications.

Which restriction enzyme is likely to produce more fragments, one with a 4 base-pair recognition site or one with an 8 base-pair site?

In what way did Harlan’s theory of agriculture give rise to Diamond’s theory?

a. It recognized agriculture might have developed by different mechanisms in different parts of the world.

b. Both make the assumption that hunter-gatherers were (and still are) superior to agriculturists.

c. It recognized the reason agriculture did not develop in certain parts of the world was because people lacked the intelligence or skill.

d. It is a basic case of scientific plagiarism; Diamond’s theory is identical to Harlan’s theory.

e. It recognized that agricultural societies were healthier and better fed than hunter-gatherer societies.

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