In this third week, we are discussing the human socialization process and how it influences our psychosocial development. After you have read the reading assignment and lecture for the week, please respond to all parts of the discussion by the due date assigned:
Here are some hints:
2. List and describe the key agents of socialization. How did each agent shape and influence your life?
Here you are going to need to know the agents of socialization (they are in the chapter). Show how each one of these agents influenced your life.
3. Look in the South University online library and the Internet for information on “Feral Children.” Explain why feral children are used as examples of young people for whom the socialization process has been stopped.
For this question please first read about Anna and Genie on Page 75. Then do some research of your own on feral children that from more modern times. If you’d like you can use an online newspaper article about a feral child or look for an article about feral children in general. If you are using an online newspaper/media source it is okay in this instance to have a .com source.