1. DQ 1-What are the impact of genes (nature) and the environment (nurture) on human motivation? What are some ways in which “nature” and/or “nurture” have influenced your personal motivation? (DUE TODAY 150 words)
2. DQ 2-How might your work, family life, or relationships be different if your boss, parent, or partner were more aware of what motivates you? (DUE THURSDAY 150 words.)
3. DQ 3-Select an article or chapter from this weeks reading material. Summarize the article/chapter in about 75+ words and then describe your opinion and/or realizations from the article/chapter in 75+ words. (DUE FRIDAY)
4.In your weekly summary for this second workshop week, describe some realizations you have had about the Biological Foundations of Motivation and how they have influenced you personally. (150+ Words)