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Virtual Memory Organization | Computer Science homework help

  1. Suppose we have a byte-addressab
    1. Suppose we have a byte-addressable computer using 2-way set associative mapping with 16-bit main and 32 blocks of cache. If each block contains 8 bytes, determine the size of the offset field, and show your work.
    2. What is the difference between FAT and exFAT?
    3. Use the register and memory values in the table below for the next questions. Assume a 32-bit machine. Assume each of the following questions starts from the table values; that is, DO NOT use value changes from one question as propagating into future parts of the question.
    Register Value Memory Locations Value
    R1 12 12 16
    R2 16 16 20
    R3 20 20 24
    R4 24 24 28
    1. Give the values of R1, R2, and R3 after this instruction: add R3, R2, R1
    2. What values will be in R1 and R3 after this instruction is executed: load R3, 12(R1)
    3. What values will be in the registers after this instruction is executed: addi R2, R3, #16


    le computer using 2-way set associative mapping with 16-bit main and 32 blocks of cache. If each block contains 8 bytes, determine the size of the offset field, and show your work.

  2. What is the difference between FAT and exFAT?
  3. Use the register and memory values in the table below for the next questions. Assume a 32-bit machine. Assume each of the following questions starts from the table values; that is, DO NOT use value changes from one question as propagating into future parts of the question.
Register Value Memory Locations Value
R1 12 12 16
R2 16 16 20
R3 20 20 24
R4 24 24 28
  1. Give the values of R1, R2, and R3 after this instruction: add R3, R2, R1
  2. What values will be in R1 and R3 after this instruction is executed: load R3, 12(R1)


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