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Trends in digital forensics | Information Systems homework help


For this assignment, you are asked to prepare an essay based on your experiences in this course. Now that you have finished all of the reading assignments for this course, reflect on the major concepts discussed in the course by addressing the elements listed below.

  • Identify forensic procedures for investigation.
  • Explain trends in digital forensics.
  • Explain data reconnaissance activities.
  • Explain methods for using forensic tools.
  • Discuss legal implications for electronic crimes.
  • Explain how new laws affect evidence collection.
  • Examine procedures for law enforcement reporting.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on the material that you have read and to expand on your reading.Your essay should be at least four pages in length. Include an introduction and conclusion. Feel free to talk about your experiences with each of the prompts. Remember to review the rubric for this assignment. A minimum of two sources must be used, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. A title page is not required; however, ensure that all sources are included on a references page. The references page does not count toward meeting the four-page minimum requirement.

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