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Theme park | CIS 2503 | Florida Institute of Technology

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Programming Assignment 7 – Theme Parks and Threads   
Amusement parks are a lot of fun, but everyone agrees the worst part of the experience is waiting.
Some companies invest in a lot of clever systems to help manage and control their lines more efficiently.
To see behind the scenes at how Disney does this, check out:
Now we’re going to create our own command station that uses threads to activate and track rider
movement throughout a bustling amusement park.  
Program Requirements
• Create a new class called “ThemePark.” Inside it, put your main program. This program will
manage and monitor all the theme park rides in the park. ThemePark should extend Thread.
• Create a new class called “Amusement.” This class should extend Thread. This class will have the
following variables and methods to access them. (Remember to use proper Object-Oriented
design in its creation):
o A ride type (e.g., “Bumper Cars,” “Rollercoaster,” “Carousel”)
o A waiting Queue (those waiting in line)
o A ride Queue (those actively riding the ride)
o A maximum capacity (controls how many people can ride)
o A ride duration (how long the ride takes)
o A running Boolean (is the ride running? True/false) – initially set to false
• Override the run() function inside your “Amusement” class. This function should do the
o Set the “running” state to true
o Sleep for x seconds (where x is the ride’s duration)
o When finished, set the “running” state to false
• Inside ThemePark, instantiate five Amusement objects. Assign each Amusement a type,
capacity, and duration. Put the capacity at around 20–60 riders at one time
o Create a new Queue called “attendees.” Fill this with unique numbers from 1–1000
o Start each of the Amusement threads. Have ThemePark check every second on the
“running” status of each Amusement. If an Amusement is not running, first put all of
the riders in the Amusement’s ride Queue into the “attendees” Queue. Put the
maximum number of riders from the ride’s waiting Queue into the ride Queue. Finally,
take a set number of riders from the “attendees” Queue and place them in the
Amusement’s waiting Queue

Note: here is a diagram to help you make sense of the flow of riders into the various

• If the user types “END,” stop all of the threads and place the riders back into the attendees
Queue. Then exit the program

Include appropriate comments throughout your code. Remember to use standard Java naming
conventions. Put your name and description of the program in the comments at the top. Submit your
ThemePark, Amusement, and all associated project Java and class files, as well as a screenshot of it in
operation on your computer. Package all of these in a zip file and name the submission in the format:
Submission is due by 11:59 p.m. ET.  
• If the user types “END,” stop all of the threads and place the riders back into the attendees
Queue. Then exit the program

Include appropriate comments throughout your code. Remember to use standard Java naming
conventions. Put your name and description of the program in the comments at the top. Submit your
ThemePark, Amusement, and all associated project Java and class files, as well as a screenshot of it in
operation on your computer. Package all of these in a zip file and name the submission in the format:

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